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Binky's Li'l Rules For Life



  • Everything tastes better with mustard.
  • When in doubt, inflate your tires.
  • BIONICLE 2008 is gonna be fun.
  • Frodo lives.
  • There are only three kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.
  • Keep your ears warm, even if the hat makes you look like a dork.
  • KP continues to rock, even after cancellation.
  • I now know how much fun Greg has in watching the S&T forum. It's so much more satisfying when you've skipped ahead a few chapters.
  • Walking is highly underrated as exercise. I highly recommend it.


Recommended Comments

1. Simply yes.

2. I wouldn't know.

3. Really now? Hmm...

4. Yeah...

5. Love that joke.

6. Hat? I'll pass.

7. No.

8. I never knew that.

9. I should follow that advice, but I probably won't. :P


Well, that was an interestin' entry, Bink. :P

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1. Vegetables don't :P

2. What?

3. Storywise? Setwise? Work-to-you-wise? Don't torture us Bink! :P

4. Where is he? I want to teach him lessons about destroy rings...Hehe... :evilgrin:

5. Don't understand

6. Hat no thanks.

7. Was It?

8. Is that funny?

9. Should I do it? Maybe I lose weigght or something... :P


EDIT: thanks Israeli Toa.

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Especially on PizzaMmhmmI hope soIndeedNay, there are only 10, those who speak Binary, and those who don't.I've gotta agreeIt was canceled?I would assume soBiking > Walking
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Bionicle '08 is not going to be fun. I have seen the sets, and they are horrific.

If you've seen the leaked set pictures, you haven't seen the sets. Which is why TLG doesn't like low-res, pre-production images to get loose. They always look much better in the final images.

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Bionicle '08 is not going to be fun. I have seen the sets, and they are horrific.

If you've seen the leaked set pictures, you haven't seen the sets. Which is why TLG doesn't like low-res, pre-production images to get loose. They always look much better in the final images.


i have seen the "new" leaked pics, but i'm not going to tell more.


But BIONICLE in '08 will Rox our Sox !



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Bionicle '08 is not going to be fun. I have seen the sets, and they are horrific.

If you've seen the leaked set pictures, you haven't seen the sets. Which is why TLG doesn't like low-res, pre-production images to get loose. They always look much better in the final images.

I have seen high quality catalog scans, and I don't need to see the final images to tell how they are because they all use old pieces and construction techniques.

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Kim Possible, I'm assuming.


Oh, didn't think about that. Now I remember about that April Fool's joke. How It's possible that I didn't think of It before? Thanks Israeli Toa :)



Bionicle '08 is not going to be fun. I have seen the sets, and they are horrific.

If you've seen the leaked set pictures, you haven't seen the sets. Which is why TLG doesn't like low-res, pre-production images to get loose. They always look much better in the final images.


I've seen the decent pictures (At last someone knows how to make a scanner work! :P) And you're right Bink. Man, they're sweet. However, there was a set that disapointed me a lot...

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1) Eh, perhaps

2) Good advice

3) Who would doubt that? :P

4) Of course he does

5) :P

6) Ah yes, I know this well...

7) Oh really?

8) Yeah, that made us all feel reeeealllly good :P

9) Indeed



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I've seen the leaked pics as well, but I for one am not disappointed. Though I see how others will be, and it's hard to look at them (or any set I've seen) without thinking, "Oh, man, we'll never hear the end of this."


And, considering that the first "official" pics we usually see are poorly-painted prototypes at ToyFair and elsewhere, I have to say I prefer the leaked images, though I feel horrible for looking at them.

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1) Only if you like the flavor in the first place

2) Skip to #9

3) :happydance:

4) He does? :blink:

5) One, two, three... hey, wait...

6) Buy a better hat.

7) And rocks can be thrown long distances away...

8) I'm sure you do...

9) Yeah!



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1. Booo

2. Sage advice

3. I remember that Bionkle stuff. :P

4. It's the Ring, Sam!

5. I prefer the binary version.

6. Yes?

7. Sure?

8. I've been in S&T what, 3 times? :P

9. Agreed

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Everything tastes better with mustard.

When in doubt, inflate your tires.

BIONICLE 2008 is gonna be fun.

Frodo lives.

There are only three kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.

Keep your ears warm, even if the hat makes you look like a dork.

KP continues to rock, even after cancellation.

I now know how much fun Greg has in watching the S&T forum. It's so much more satisfying when you've skipped ahead a few chapters.

Walking is highly underrated as exercise. I highly recommend it.


1. No for me. Mustard is really weird tasting.

2. Ok...?

3. It sure sounds, looks, and feels like it. It's basically gonna be the conclusion of the BIONICLE we know today.

4. Yes. What of it?

5. What? Oh! :lol: Wait... can someone explain that to me?

6. Ok. My ears don't get cold too often though.

7. Whatever (I have no idea who KP is).

8. I bet you do. :D

9. I guess so. I walk around quite often.

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Everything tastes better with mustard.

When in doubt, inflate your tires.

BIONICLE 2008 is gonna be fun.

Frodo lives.

There are only three kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.

Keep your ears warm, even if the hat makes you look like a dork.

KP continues to rock, even after cancellation.

I now know how much fun Greg has in watching the S&T forum. It's so much more satisfying when you've skipped ahead a few chapters.

Walking is highly underrated as exercise. I highly recommend it.


1. No for me. Mustard is really weird tasting.

2. Ok...?

3. It sure sounds, looks, and feels like it. It's basically gonna be the conclusion of the BIONICLE we know today.

4. Yes. What of it?

5. What? Oh! :lol: Wait... can someone explain that to me?

6. Ok. My ears don't get cold too often though.

7. Whatever (I have no idea who KP is).

8. I bet you do. :D

9. I guess so. I walk around quite often.

KP stands for 'Kim Possible' it's a show on Disney channel that sadly got cancelled in Feburary. Oh and Binkmeister, go KP! Booya! :P



Booyahahahahahahahaha! ~Ron Stopible (sp?)
Not again! ~Kim Possible
Go KP!






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