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Quick Update

Kevin Owens


Thought I might as well drop in and tell you what's going on.


In case you didn't notice, my cat came back. ^_^ I'm so happy. We found him in an attic in some house that was being built. He's a lot more friendlier than when he left. I suppose being locked up in an attic for two weeks can do that. :lol:


I took the PSAT today. They had a fire drill as soon as we were done, so that was interesting. I'm not sure on how I did on the test. I geussed on most of the harder questions, but I was able to figure out the majority of the rest. I hope I did well. :unsure:


In case you didn't notice, there's a new side bar on the left. I couldn't find a good image for my profile, you you'll have to deal with Morrigan until I find a better one. :P The Desu one is a place holder until I find something for it to link to.


Expect a new How To Comic sometime this weekend, possibly on Sunday. I'll be going over Kits and which ones to choose and which ones not.


The wedding between me and 15 Year Old Girl will take place at Noon. I'll make a blog entry topic for the wedding, then after the ceremony is complete, I'll go make a celebration entry afterwards. Be sure to be there. ;)


Recently, I recieved a proto drop because the staff took some things seriously that I never meant to be taken the way that they were. So in order to prevent from getting any more protodrops, I plan on putting the following disclaimer at the end of every post: " Oh yeah. In case you can't tell, all of the above was a joke." (I mean after all, it is, isn't it?)


Oh yeah. In case you can't tell, all of the above was a joke."


Anyway, that's all for now. Expect more later.


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So, um... you still on for Saturday? Cause, we could always make it Sunday...


Oh, and if I don't make it in time, go on without me. I was kinda hoping I would be home to do it, but I'm in the Land of Cobain still. Dav understands. -Swert

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I received proto drops for "trolling" which must mean telling everyone that The Final Countdown > All other albums and having Omi think it's my opinion.

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I received proto drops for "trolling" which must mean telling everyone that The Final Countdown > All other albums and having Omi think it's my opinion.

I am gonna say this one last time.


It is your opinion. It is not a fact. Do not bring this up again.


Recently, I recieved a proto drop because the staff took some things seriously that I never meant to be taken the way that they were. So in order to prevent from getting any more protodrops, I plan on putting the following disclaimer at the end of every post: " Oh yeah. In case you can't tell, all of the above was a joke." (I mean after all, it is, isn't it?)

Won't matter what you put as a disclaimer. If we don't like it, it will be removed. Joke or not.



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So, um... you still on for Saturday? Cause, we could always make it Sunday...


Oh, and if I don't make it in time, go on without me. I was kinda hoping I would be home to do it, but I'm in the Land of Cobain still. Dav understands. -Swert


Actually, Sunday would be preferable because I have work on Saturday at 2PM. I originally meant it for sunday, but I got the dates mixed up.


So you good for sunday?

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NOOO!!! So close to getting to do the multi-ethnic ceremony... :P


Again, wishing you a happy marriage. :)


You may already have a musical act, but ban he play the guitar solo on Free Bird, recognized as one of the top guitar solo's? I can, I have, and I love it, not matter how sore my fingers get. I'll even play at the wedding and at the reception free of charge!

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QUOTE(^_^KawaiDesuNekoChan ^_^ @ Oct 18 2007, 09:59 PM)
So, um... you still on for Saturday? Cause, we could always make it Sunday...


Oh, and if I don't make it in time, go on without me. I was kinda hoping I would be home to do it, but I'm in the Land of Cobain still. Dav understands. -Swert


Actually, Sunday would be preferable because I have work on Saturday at 2PM. I originally meant it for sunday, but I got the dates mixed up.


So you good for sunday?


Sunday is a lot better for me :D Saturday is my sleep in to five then get out of the house as quick as possible day anyway


NOOO!!! So close to getting to do the multi-ethnic ceremony... :P


Again, wishing you a happy marriage. :)


You may already have a musical act, but ban he play the guitar solo on Free Bird, recognized as one of the top guitar solo's? I can, I have, and I love it, not matter how sore my fingers get. I'll even play at the wedding and at the reception free of charge!


Free Bird is only recognized as one of the top guitar solos by people amazed by the numbers 1 2 3 and 4. If you could play like Buckethead on the other hand...

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NOOO!!! So close to getting to do the multi-ethnic ceremony... :P


Again, wishing you a happy marriage. :)


You may already have a musical act, but ban he play the guitar solo on Free Bird, recognized as one of the top guitar solo's? I can, I have, and I love it, not matter how sore my fingers get. I'll even play at the wedding and at the reception free of charge!

Pfft, he can play phailbird. And much more.


Every heard of Ars Moriandi?

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@15YoG: Never listened to his music. I'll listen to a track and if I can play like him(Judging by my performance on his song on Guitar Hero, probably not,), I'll tell ya.


@Desu: Phaibird? Never heard of it. Ars Moriandi? I've heard of it. Why?

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@15YoG: Never listened to his music. I'll listen to a track and if I can play like him(Judging by my performance on his song on Guitar Hero, probably not,), I'll tell ya.


@Desu: Phaibird? Never heard of it. Ars Moriandi? I've heard of it. Why?




Mr. Bungle is the one who does Ars Moriandi. You should check it out. Mr. Bungle is very... different so to speak. There's nothing else out there like him. But if you're looking for something different, then they're the band.


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