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Ask Phy



Well. I want people to ask me stuff. I can't be bothered making Blog Entries with any substance right now.

Ask away.




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Do you like Ducks?

Do you like Daleks?

Do you like the color "blue"?

Can you talk like a fish?

Do you like NASA?

Do you like cats?

Can I have pie?

This goes on what, now?

I is insane, yah?

Aren't Duckies soo cute?

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Do you like Ducks?

Do you like Daleks?

Do you like the color "blue"?

Can you talk like a fish?

Do you like NASA?

Do you like cats?

Can I have pie?

This goes on what, now?

I is insane, yah?

Aren't Duckies soo cute?

  1. Ducks are OK, I s'pose.
  2. When they're not out to get me.
  3. Better than most.
  4. *bubble bubble*
  5. When they don't asplode.
  6. YES!
  7. Go to the pie man. He'll help.
  8. I concur.
  9. Insane is a bit mild.
  10. The killer ones aren't, but otherwise...
Why does Phy hate Dark Hunters so much?
The character or the person?

Let's start off with the character. The character is destined to destroy Dark Hunters, so he has to hate them otherwise it's too hard for him to go around destroying stuff. Why he hates them in the first place? Why else, they are scum. As for me, I think Dark Hunters are the coolest characters in the BIONICLE saga. You can't make fun of stuff if you don't like them yourself. Or whatever.

Phy needs more hugs...?


Everybody needs hugs. They are the stuffs of love and life.

Hugs don't hurt. So...yeah, everyone needs hugs. O_o



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Did you see that guy?

Did you see that bird?

Did you see that plane?

Did you see that site?

Did you see that Homestarrunner?

Did you see that Top Gear?

Did you see that car?

Did you see that lame excuse for a comment?

Did you see that guy who said he heard that noise?

Did you see that guy who said he didn't hear that noise?

Did you see that repetitive list?

Did you see that question?

Did you see that list?

Did you see that shopping cart?

Did you see that guy base-jumping off a plane like a flying squirrel?

Did you see that guy base-jumping off a plane like a flying squirrel and (probably) beating (a person who was probably) Richard Hammond?

Do you know what base-jumping is?

Do you know who Richard Hammond is?

Do you know how to calculate the mass of a neutron star with a diameter of three (3 ("Press or say three (3)") miles?

Do you know the approximate length diminishment of my posts due to the font and size settings I use? (I do.)

Do you know any mathematical theories/theorems?

Do you know the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything? (I do.)

Do you live in England? (Neither of us do, actually, as I well know. Just asking.)

Do you know how to say "three (3)" in Hindu? (I certainly don't.)

Do you know how ridiculously long this list is?

Do you know that saying people could ask you questions was rather short-sighted of you?

Are you short-, long-, near-, or far-sited? (I'm at least one of those (Near-sited.).)

Do you consider this a long list?

Do you consider this a stupid list?

Do you consider this a dull list?

Do you consider this a repetitive list?

Do you feel as if you are about to pass out? ("And this is for posterity, so, please, be honest.")

Do you have a tendency to speak in quotes?

Are you developing the (rather dangerous) urge to answer all of these questions? (If so, please contact your doctor immediately.)

Do you read the Doctor Who topic?

Did you see that instrument?

Did you see that "Did you see that bird?"?

Do you think I should stop now?






...Well, I do. =P



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Did you see that guy?

Did you see that bird?

Did you see that plane?

Did you see that site?

Did you see that Homestarrunner?

Did you see that Top Gear?

Did you see that car?

Did you see that lame excuse for a comment?

Did you see that guy who said he heard that noise?

Did you see that guy who said he didn't hear that noise?

Did you see that repetitive list?

Did you see that question?

Did you see that list?

Did you see that shopping cart?

Did you see that guy base-jumping off a plane like a flying squirrel?

Did you see that guy base-jumping off a plane like a flying squirrel and (probably) beating (a person who was probably) Richard Hammond?

Do you know what base-jumping is?

Do you know who Richard Hammond is?

Do you know how to calculate the mass of a neutron star with a diameter of three (3 ("Press or say three (3)") miles?

Do you know the approximate length diminishment of my posts due to the font and size settings I use? (I do.)

Do you know any mathematical theories/theorems?

Do you know the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything? (I do.)

Do you live in England? (Neither of us do, actually, as I well know. Just asking.)

Do you know how to say "three (3)" in Hindu? (I certainly don't.)

Do you know how ridiculously long this list is?

Do you know that saying people could ask you questions was rather short-sighted of you?

Are you short-, long-, near-, or far-sited? (I'm at least one of those (Near-sited.).)

Do you consider this a long list?

Do you consider this a stupid list?

Do you consider this a dull list?

Do you consider this a repetitive list?

Do you feel as if you are about to pass out? ("And this is for posterity, so, please, be honest.")

Do you have a tendency to speak in quotes?

Are you developing the (rather dangerous) urge to answer all of these questions? (If so, please contact your doctor immediately.)

Do you read the Doctor Who topic?

Did you see that instrument?

Did you see that "Did you see that bird?"?

Do you think I should stop now?






...Well, I do. =P



  1. Yes.
  2. Yes.
  3. No.
  4. Maybe.
  5. Everybody! Everybody!
  6. No.
  7. No.
  8. Oh THAT one.
  9. I heard him.
  10. Ditto.
  11. Might have done.
  12. ?
  13. You mean Homestar's Resumé.
  14. I made it.
  15. No.
  16. NO.
  17. Say what?
  18. NO!
  19. Is it 4?
  20. Why would you WANT to know that? XD
  21. The basics.
  22. 42.
  23. Never been outside of Australia.
  24. I'm sure someone I know does...
  25. I realised when I first saw it.
  26. Yah.
  27. Not last time I checked.
  28. Yes.
  29. At times.
  30. No.
  31. YES.
  32. Uh...
  33. No.
  34. Should have called my doctor minutes ago.
  35. No, in fear I'll see spoilers. Since we get it so late, and I don't like looking at episodes on certain video site, I don't want to learn anything until it comes here.
  36. Which one?
  37. *sigh* Definetly.
  38. Well, considering you stopped anyway, I won't bother answering. Oh, wait...


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Is you insane?

Is I insane?

Is I a duck?

Do I like Haggus?

Do you like Haggus?

How can you not like Haggus?!

Do I have a Parakeet?

Do I have a cat?

Am I a hamster?

What's my hamster's name?

Does all your base belong to us?

Can you dance?

Can you not dance?

Can you write in Japanese?

Can you blow stuff up?

Do you like Bionicle?

What don't you like about it?

Aren't ducks cute?

Wasn't Roodaka cool?

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Is you insane?

Is I insane?

Is I a duck?

Do I like Haggus?

Do you like Haggus?

How can you not like Haggus?!

Do I have a Parakeet?

Do I have a cat?

Am I a hamster?

What's my hamster's name?

Does all your base belong to us?

Can you dance?

Can you not dance?

Can you write in Japanese?

Can you blow stuff up?

Do you like Bionicle?

What don't you like about it?

Aren't ducks cute?

Wasn't Roodaka cool?

  1. Not yet. By the time I've read these questions I might be.
  2. Clearly.
  3. No, you is a mobile phone.
  4. Dunno. Do you?
  5. Never tried it, but I'd love to.
  6. Seriously, I'd love to try some.
  7. Maybe.
  8. Maybe-er.
  9. Cee above.
  10. Bacon Sandwich?
  11. NOES!!!!11!11
  12. Not to competition standards.
  13. Yes.
  14. y konichiwa thar.
  15. I wish.
  16. I do.
  17. What I don't like is the fact that it has that strange instinct to suck all my money away.
  18. You might have asked that before.
  19. What are you saying, she still is!


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Do you like any girls?

Isn't "Magma" a fun word?

Aren't ducks adorable?

Am I cool?

Am I popular?

Does i has gud gramer?

Am I making fun of you? (:P)

Am I legal?

What happens if you give a mouse a cookie?

Can I hack your account?

If so, can I have some directions?


Do I have Parakeets?

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Do you like any girls?

Isn't "Magma" a fun word?

Aren't ducks adorable?

Am I cool?

Am I popular?

Does i has gud gramer?

Am I making fun of you? (:P)

Am I legal?

What happens if you give a mouse a cookie?

Can I hack your account?

If so, can I have some directions?


Do I have Parakeets?

  1. Ones that I'm friends with, so yes.
  2. Not especially.
  3. Yes, ducks are 1. A door and 2. A belle.
  4. Yes.
  5. That's something you can't really judge.
  6. your grammas ar guuds.
  7. If you were, I wasn't aware of it.
  8. Not in this country.
  9. The cookie crumbs will get stuck in the grooves of the middle button.
  10. No.
  11. Take a left on York St...
  12. Continue till you see the Parakeets...
  13. Which you own...


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When will you make another episode of B,DH?


When will you make another comic of LOTM?

1.I've started writing the next chapter, so that should be ready sometime soon. Hopefully. :P

2. There will be. Eventually.



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When will your movie The Fast and the Phyoohriious be out? :)
You mean, The Phahst and the Phyoohriius? I dunno. In the future. Maybe not. :P
Har har.


:m: :e: :c: :a:

Not a question. <_<




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I is gud, yes?

Do you love any girls?

Are you not allowed to divulge that information?

Cat is cute, yes?


Is I in pit hair arm?

Continue this statement: The Chicken has...

Isn't the Air Force Awesome?

What's your favorite Air Force vehicle?


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I is gud, yes?

Do you love any girls?

Are you not allowed to divulge that information?

Cat is cute, yes?


Is I in pit hair arm?

Continue this statement: The Chicken has...

Isn't the Air Force Awesome?

What's your favorite Air Force vehicle?


  1. Yes you are. Yes you are.
  2. Not deeply love or anything like that, if you get my meaning. Or maybe I do.
  3. Why wouldn't I?
  4. YES.
  5. Nice to see you evilly happy.
  6. I'm not really sure what to say.
  7. ...all the nail clippings a fish could want in 4 half hours.
  8. They fly. Awesome.
  9. Dunno. One of the flying ones.
  10. NOT A QUESTION! :angry:


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1. Do you like water?

2. Can you list the five scientific kingdoms?

3. Do you know the meaning of "Biology"?

4. Have we gone over my sanity yet?

5. How close am I to driving you insane with my questions?

6. Umph gorg tonggle snarg?

7. Are you plotting to Duct tape my mouth shut?

8. How about now?

9. Will our next meeting be on BZPower?

10. How full is your PM Inbox?

11. Have you ever seen a Tasmanian Devil?

12. Have you ever seen a Tasmanian Angel?

13. Have you ever seen a Dog?

14. How about those Dingoes?

15. Ever seen a wild Dalek?

16. Is pork, yes?

17. Is not ham, yes?

18. Is I edible?

19. Is the answer yes?

20. Yes, or no?

21. Am I an orca?

22. Have a snack pack?

23. Are you online?

24. Can people PM youz?

25. Can I PM youz?

26. How close am I to making you lose your sanity?

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1. Do you like water?

2. Can you list the five scientific kingdoms?

3. Do you know the meaning of "Biology"?

4. Have we gone over my sanity yet?

5. How close am I to driving you insane with my questions?

6. Umph gorg tonggle snarg?

7. Are you plotting to Duct tape my mouth shut?

8. How about now?

9. Will our next meeting be on BZPower?

10. How full is your PM Inbox?

11. Have you ever seen a Tasmanian Devil?

12. Have you ever seen a Tasmanian Angel?

13. Have you ever seen a Dog?

14. How about those Dingoes?

15. Ever seen a wild Dalek?

16. Is pork, yes?

17. Is not ham, yes?

18. Is I edible?

19. Is the answer yes?

20. Yes, or no?

21. Am I an orca?

22. Have a snack pack?

23. Are you online?

24. Can people PM youz?

25. Can I PM youz?

26. How close am I to making you lose your sanity?

  1. You should try Tasmanian Water. The freshest water you'll ever drink.
  2. Not without checking somewhere first.
  3. Study of Organic Stuff? :P
  4. It rings a bell...
  5. *shows thumb and index finger close to each other* This far away.
  6. I agwee.
  7. Why would I do that? Do you have one of those awesome things which type whatever you say?
  8. Same applies.
  9. We've met?
  10. 4.9%
  11. I regrettably have to say I don't think I've ever seen a Tasmanian Devil in the flesh. That's pretty sad for someone who lives in the same place as they do. I like them though, the ferocious beasties.
  12. Depends on what you consider angels. Same applies to your last question in ways.
  13. I regrettably have to say I have. :P
  14. I have, but only in Zoos on the mainland. I don't think we even have dingoes here...
  15. A couple of friends made a Dalek that you could be in and control, so I consider that wild.
  16. Yes.
  17. No.
  18. :drool:
  19. :ziplip:
  20. Nes.
  21. I don't believe eating whales is ethical.
  22. Yeah, OK.
  23. I am as I'm writing this.
  24. They can if they REALLY want to.
  25. You can if you REALLY want to.
  26. So close, yet so far.



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Do you hate me?

How about Zephyr?

Are you fluent in any languages?


Do you like Latin?

Quid pro quo?

Are you Canadian, eh?

Do you like B-52s?


How about F-22s?

Can I hurt him?

Shut up, Zephyr?

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Do you hate me?

How about Zephyr?

Are you fluent in any languages?


Do you like Latin?

Quid pro quo?

Are you Canadian, eh?

Do you like B-52s?


How about F-22s?

Can I hurt him?

Shut up, Zephyr?

  1. No.
  2. Not especially.
  3. Only English, but I'm trying to learn French.
  4. I like French. And English is my mother-tongue. :P
  5. Wish I knew it, but yeah, I reckon it's pretty cool.
  6. Yes?
  7. Oh, Canada...no.
  8. As long as they're not attacking me.
  9. Ditto.
  10. Ditto.
  11. Who's him?
  12. Rightio...


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