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Chirox And Kirop





"We knew what to do with Toa on Destral ... raw material for my Rahi, that's what they were."


Chirox is one of the Brotherhood's top scientists, but is best known for the fact that the Rahi he creates tend to be vicious and destructive. He is less of a warrior than Antroz, but more cunning, and much more likely to fight dirty. He lives to do experiments, always tinkering with Rahi to make them more monstrous, and is quick to point out how much better his creations are than those of Mutran.


Weapons: Tridax pod; blades


Mask: Kanohi Shelek, the Mask of Silence -- can cause a target to temporarily lose the ability to speak or hear.




"All those years we spent hiding in the light ... we were wrong. We should have embraced the darkness from the start."


Forner leader of the Matoran of Light, Kirop has become their most dangerous enemy because he knows everything about all of them.


Powers: Sight stealing -- can make a target temporarily blind; can fire shadow energy from his claw blades


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Hm...interesting. How is the Shelek different from the Makuta's Silence power, though? Or were you going for a "see no evil/hear no evil/speak no evil" theme for Chirox?


Oh, and how is Shelek pronounced, so we can put it on BS01?


EDIT: This reminds me--does this mean you can confirm Mutran also wears a Shelek?

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Niiiiice. You've really outdone yourself with the mask powers this year. But shouldn't Kirop be able to use his sight stealing power while connected to a makuta like Radiak and his sloth power?



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Thanks for the description Greg. Kanohi Shelek of Silence? Sounds cool. And Kirop... And looks like every Shadow Matoran has a difference ability, like Av-Matoran. (Cool quotes, BTW.)


Thanks again :D


EDIT: Little question: Shadow Matoran special abilities are only accesible when combined with the Makuta right?

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Are Chirox's creatures really so much beter then Mutran's or is that just his opinion? And like someone else said, sinse he has the same mask as Mutran (setwise at least) then does Mutran also have a Shelek? Either way this guy sounds just as cool as Vamprah and Antroz.

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Keep them coming! :P Anyway, that's a nasty combination, not being able to see, speak or talk. :fear: Anyway, I'm guessing Mutran has a different mask? I can't wait to see Mutran's profile, I really want to know who's Rahi are actually better. :P

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This one sounds cool... I wonder how you "make" rahi, and I'm betting we will see some of his creations in the story. :D


The matoran this year seem to have better personalities... evil suits them well... :P

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That mask power of silence sounds so cool! Who'd have thought of that. (Well, you and the design team, but I hadn't and hadn't seen that kind of power on BZP)



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Can't say I'm a fan of the mask power. Maybe it's just me, but I can't picture anyone choosing a deaf/mute mask when one could have, oh, shielding, teleportation, intangibility, mind control... etc etc...

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Thanks for getting this up so soon,Greg! :)


These guys sound like they could do some serious buisness. 2008 so far sounds like its going to be a pretty good year!










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Is it just me or are the Makuta corrupting matoran that...

a)Lead the Av-Matoran.


b)Are looked up to.

To lower the Av-Matoran's morale.



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But Jimmybob, we already have masks covering all those powers, none of which are in this design, so giving him a power that already exists in another mask shape would just be confusing. The point of giving him this mask was that, combined with Kirop, he robs you of all your senses. Makes it kinda hard to fly if you can't see, hear or speak.



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Guest Cap'n Bionicle


I don't see how Shelek can be considered a bad mask by Toa, but neat all the same.


Kirop sounds awesome, although his sentence has some spelling errors.

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I don't see how Shelek can be considered a bad mask by Toa, but neat all the same.


Kirop sounds awesome, although his sentence has some spelling errors.

Well, I suppose it could be considered dishonorable by a Toa to use it in battle. *shrug*


Anyway, thanks, awesome stuff Greg. I can't wait to see the Phantoka in action in March. =D

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I don't see how Shelek can be considered a bad mask by Toa, but neat all the same.


Kirop sounds awesome, although his sentence has some spelling errors.


I guess it would be kind of underhand. Cheating kind of...I think most masks Toa use help them and not hurt someone.


Great job Greg! I love Chirox! Toa of Destral...that's new.


The big question is: Does Mutran have the same mask?



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