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In All Seriousness...

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


Antroz/Lessy and I were happily writing back and forth about anything and everything. He gave me a link to topic which he found funny, so I randomly clicked it, and we continued our merry chat.


Since my email wasn't open, I decided to scroll up on BZP, click my username, and see if I had any new comments. So I scrolled up.


And froze.


"Uhh... Lessy? I'm logged in as you..."


Several screenshots for proof later, I got his permission to blog in his blog. We kept hypothesizing, while I occasionally tried out the strange feeling of seeing a different name at the bottom of each topic. I managed to log in all three of my browsers (Opera, Internet Explorer, and Mozilla Seamonkey) as him, using only the weird link, and then logged in one of the browsers as me.


He had to leave for a short bit. The moment he logged out of BZP, both my browsers logged me out from his account. While I waited for his return, I logged in as me. He returned about twenty minutes later, logged in--- and suddenly, I was Antroz again.


I started fooling with the link, trying to figure out how the extremely strange glitch happened, and came up with one which looked a lot like the one he sent me. I gave it to him.


He was quiet for a few moments, then asked, "Seven new messages!?"


Then he promptly ran over to blog in my blog.


And that's what happened. We don't know each other's passwords, but I've seen his blog and inbox, and he's seen mine. We also have screenshots on our Majs. (Maj's? Majes?)


Yep, this is going to be PMed to an Admin...





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Wow. Creepy...


This happened to me once a while ago, only with a member I've never met before, and I logged out of that member's account before checking anything...


It was really, really odd. O_o



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Is it similar to what happened here?


Dude, that was just a joke. Jack and I agreed to doing it as a joke :P.


but now i kinda wanna do it for real :(


Shhh, she doesn't know that! :P

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Wow. That's so awesome! I'd love to switch with another member, as long as he/she was responsible, of course. :D But seriously, you could have some real fun with that... :evilgrin:


*leves to take over BZP with some random member*



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Awesome. You should put that link in your sig, Turkey-eye. :P


And, seeing whose blog this is, you get the award that says "I have a rather random and hilarious blog!"



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