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I wasn't going to dignify this issue with a blog entry, but since people keep asking me about it, I guess I have to --


Recently, some supposed names for summer BIONICLE sets hit the Internet, among them "Krika." Some web surfers discovered that there is a site that identifies "krika" as a slang term for something bad. They immediately PM'd me about it in a semi-panic, so I spent my morning doing some research. Here is what I have found out:


-- The site claims that the word is used in Puerto Rican or Cuban urban areas, however a check of Spanish dictionary sites reveals that krika has no meaning in Spanish -- so this is a slang term, not a part of the actual language.


-- The same site that lists krika as meaning something bad also lists the following words as meaning a bodily part, a bodily function, or something else that would be inappropriate to discuss here:


* Chair

* Fabric softener

* Machete

* Macaroni

* M&M

* Table

* Pacemaker

* Oh, by the way -- the site also lists BZP as a term referring to a party drug. But we know BZPower doesn't refer to that, right? Right.


And that's just a small sample. There are 160 pages of urban slang terms just starting with the letter K! Any word, in any language, can be used as a slang term for something bad -- does that mean we should no longer use any of the words listed above in anything?


-- So what does Krika mean? Well -- Krika is a jewelry company in Montserrat that sells silver Wizard of Oz jewelry ... Krika Simo was one of the hikers who discovered the "Iceman" in 1991 .. Krika Peters was an actor in the 1960s ... and Krika is a town in Sweden. There are, in fact, 82,300 hits for krika on Google, only 1 of which refers to it as being a bad word. In fact, krika is being spread around as a bad word more on BZPower these days than anywhere else!


So my advice to everyone is to calm down and get some perspective. This is a non-issue, and it's only going to become an issue if people run around and get hysterical about it when it's not warranted.






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Greg, I just wanted to tell you that I've never been more proud to have you on this site. Your quote in the 2008 Sets Topic was hilarious!

And again, what is to stop someone from posting that "Tahu" means something terrible in somebody's slang? Or BIONICLE? For that matter, I can think of a number of nasty things "keyblade wielder" could mean in slang ...
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Well, that's odd. I kinda' like that name for a set.


Thank you for clearing that up before some even knew about it!


EDIT: Maybe you should change the name, it en't official.

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Let me just say this:


I don't see why people say it sounds like a bad word, doesn't sound like something bad to me!!!


I speak Spanish and well, it isn't a Spanish word!!!! Even in the Mexican slang I hear everyday at school - like an alternative for the B word in Spanish that isn't what most people use thus it is slang - I never have heard of Krika ever!!!!

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Choco -- Can't be changed, because it is official. Packaging has already been printed, ads have already been done. All that stuff is finished long before we ever put the sets out.



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You make a strong point Greg. If the whole world relied on slang, every other word would have to be censored on TV. Even though I can't see someone saying "What the macaroni!?!" or calling some one a "Dirty son of a fabric softener".


P.S.: I hope you do Mutran and Vican's bio next!

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Thanks for clearing this things up Greg. Hopefully all the screamings will stop. Can't wait for the set itself though!


:voyanui: F21 :voyanui:

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Wait, if Krika Simo was one of the hikers who discovered the "Iceman" in 1991 then that might imply that Krika is an Ice Makuta!



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I would think some people would have the sense not to trust such unreliable sites. Still, I'm glad this was resolved so that we can finally move on to something relevant.

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How popular is this word? Would a Spanish mother Christmas shopping recognise it? If so, then it is a problem, if not, who really cares?

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Since it's not actually a Spanish word, and since it's probably not used around the average middle class household, I would tend to think she would not recognize it.



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*gasp* Table and chair are swear words!? :OMG:


That whole thing was just a little mass hysteria, so it obviously wasn't true.

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What Kirka is a bad word ? Now i am getting this character for this reason only. Anny way funny its a town in Sweden. heres another thing Makuta is a set of drums and a form of money. why going over the top for one word only meaning something bad somewhere in the world, its silly. in this world theres hundreds of names that means something else to other pepole, i should know, Sweden is over run by them, so why making a mountain out of a mole hill.

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OK, this, this is very odd. Fabric softener is a swear word now? Weird.

It's bad how so many mean things end up on the Internet.

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