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It depends on whether or not people keep abusing them. Blogs are a service we provide and if we feel the need to place certain restrictions on them, we hope they are followed. If you find the rules too restricting, there are plenty of other places on the Internet where you can make your own blog.

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Y'know, if, every time someone does something, and the staff outlaws that something, soon there won't be anything to post about.


Then BZP'll start losing members, and member-count seems to be all the staff cares about, since they don't even delete inactive members, who probably waste more space than an empty comment.




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Y'know, if, every time someone does something, and the staff outlaws that something, soon there won't be anything to post about.

Actually it is more like we outlaw something and you guys still do it. That is the problem.



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Really though, It would take a lot to kill of the blogs for good. If it gets really bad, mybe "blog suspensions" would be put into effect.


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On the subject of the "invisible posts" and dead accounts, it seems easier to make judgement on whether a post is empty than it would be to judge whether the account will never truly be used. Jst my opinion.


Starting to become a rebel, eh? :P


Oh, and while I'm on the subject of the "invisible posts", I want to apologize again for starting that up again.

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Seems to me that most of the stuff you ban is only banned after someone does it.


I was under the impression that blogs were supposed to be fun, not some horrible parody of WW2 Germany.




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Seems to me that most of the stuff you ban is only banned after someone does it.

Well banning the invisible comments was needed. You really aren't saying anything in them. So goiback to what you were saying above:


"soon there won't be anything to post about."


By banning invisible comments, we give you something to post about. Posting invisible comments is posting about anything.

I was under the impression that blogs were supposed to be fun, not some horrible parody of WW2 Germany.

They are meant to be for fun. But they still are under BZP's guidelines regardless, and also need their own set of guidelines. Just like everything else.



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Oh, and while I'm at it, I'd like to add that I'm not really on any side in this conversation. Yet.



Dude, don't be so scared. They can't ban you if you disagree with them.

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I'm not afraid, I just don't know which side has the better argument yet. It's not often a debate gets started here, and I want to make the wisest decision.


Well, he's my friend, but Omi's staff, but then again, he's a great MOCer, but he's the second definition of awesome... >_<




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I don't really see much of anything banned for blogs that keeps you from having a good time and enjoying yourself.


Conversation seems to be good in any blog I read, and I don't see what you meen of them holding us back from having fun.


Am I missing something?

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No offense meant here, Ca'gerinn, but really, complaining about the staff's rules and comparing BZP to Germany in your blog may cause the blogs to be banned.

So, in answer to your question, not very long, I think.

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but he's the second definition of awesome... >_<

He's Maj certainly disproves that for me. But you have your own opinions, I'm fine with that.

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I don't think one entry complaining will cause such a catastrophic event, LM...


Oh, by the way, did you get that last PM 'bout the 'Pod?

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No offense meant here, Ca'gerinn, but really, complaining about the staff's rules and especially comparing BZP to Germany in your blog may cause the blogs to be banned.

So, in answer to your question, not very long, I think.


Banning the blogs cuz they're compared to Germany?


Whether I agree with Ca'gerrin or the staff, aside, that would be absolutely ludicrous.


Same if they banned all the blogs just because of this debate.

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I understand the invisible comments thing, but most of the things you ban are part of what makes the blogs, well, blogs.

A blog is a web log, aka journal. The stuff we ban aren't journalizing.


And Biomech, what I do in my personal time does not reflect on my position as staff. If you have a problem, bring it to -me-, not to anyone else.



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@ Blue: Check out the "Cipher" entry.


Ah, I see.... but It should be takin up with the people who run the blogs, instead of causing a scene. A private discussion would seem more official and polite. :)

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