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New Camera Fun!

Kallista ~ Little light


After a long time of a lost camera and missed photo oprotunities my family got a new camera (for our trip coming up)


and so gracey and I took it to the park to try it out

(I'm not showing any of her till I get permission)






You like?


Lady Ranna


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The first one was great! (Since my dad and I are film and phatography freaks :P)


The second one had a little too much light. Unless your just taking pictures for the fun of it, it doen't really matter. ^_^

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Nice pic's Ranna....

I'm not lucky enough to have my own camera at the moment, so I just steal my parents. Some of my friends have camera's though. Yeah...Like that one time one of my friends pulled a pair of halloween cat ears out of his backpack and put them on my head while another took a picture.


It was pretty funny. :D

And I'm getting off topic....

-Wanders away-


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And by white.


I mean...







Now that was just racist, we whiteys hate when people say that! =P



Lets just say Amphilus said what I meant to say. :D


EDIT: The Cheat is grillin' me to the right... >_>



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You're always complaining about how short you are, yet you don't look that short at all.


Nice pics.


I don't look short because I'm the only one in the picture...


but thanks :)


Lady Ranna

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Every time I see a picture of you, I just become mesmerized by your beauty, and then after staring for way too long I remember who it is I'm looking at, at which point I bang my head against the wall a few times and then get out my "mind bleach."


Well, I'm glad you got a new camera at any rate.


And what Arch-Angel means is that the lighting in the second pic (flash?) makes you look really pale. (Hmm... The pale skin, your hair, your petit build, you look almost exactly like my RPG character...)

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Every time I see a picture of you, I just become mesmerized by your beauty, and then after staring for way too long I remember who it is I'm looking at, at which point I bang my head against the wall a few times and then get out my "mind bleach."





(your scarry)




Lady Ranna

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Oh shut it you two, I'm not like that. Ranna, you're practically my best friend, and it just bugs the heck out of me when I start thinking of you as just another pretty face. That's all I was trying to say.


Looking back on that comment, it does sound kinda creepy. Dagnabbit, where is my tact? Oh, that's right, I never had any. *glares at PE drop PMs and various ban e-mails from other forums* *unintelligible mumbling...*

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