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News And Notes



A few items of interest today --


-- LEGO financial results were announced to the press today -- record profit last year. And so far this year, we can't keep stuff on the shelves, everything is selling well.


-- Finished Part 3 of Mutran Chronicles -- you are FINALLY going to get some movement on that Blade Burrowers plotline!


-- Dow Jones news ticker reports Wal-Mart Canada has come to an agreement with TLC and will go back to carrying LEGO sets, which is wonderful news.


-- Still recovering from my trip to the UK -- feel like I have been eating non-stop since I got back :) Spent the weekend shopping and gaming, two of my favorite pastimes :)






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Wow, record profit! That's great! I hope these record sales keep up!


Ooh, can't wait to read the Story Serials, Greg! They're always so interesting and well-written.


I don't live in Canada, but I felt sorry for all those that weren't going to be able to buy the new sets. This is good news.


~ :a: :t:

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Great news! I'm glad that the sets are selling so well! And it's good to hear that Canadian Wal-Marts will be carrying LEGO again!


The next chapter of the Mutran Chronicles sounds interesting, too. I assume that the Brotherhood of Makuta has some sort of connection to the BBs.



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Yeah! Blade Burrowers!

Great to hear that Walmart Canada will have Lego again, even though I don't live there. :)

I can personally confirm that sets are flying off the shelves too. :D


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Yay Blade Burrowers! *dances like madman*


*ignores strange looks thrown his way and continues dancing*


And who doesn't like gaming as a pastime?

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Yes, finally we get to the Blade Burrowers, but is it the same in the real universe as the mirror universe for what they're doing?

He said the Mutran Chronicles, not Dark Mirror. :P


Interesting to hear the Blade Burrower mystery will be elaborated on. :D And it's nice to hear that the Wal-Martian (:P) issue was resolved.

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Wow! Thanks for the news!


And nice chapter! I just read it. But these blade burrowers are just getting more and more suspicious.

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I live in the UK, nothing unusual here.


I'm suprised this blog entry hasn't been flooded with Canadians screaming with joy, lucky they've got it back.


Interesting... When was the last time we saw the Blade Burrowers?

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I noticed the record profit thing on a different site. Always good to hear that LEGO is doing well.


By the way, I noticed that BIONICLE did not show any growth for 2007. Do you know how well BIONICLE did end up selling in 07, Greg? Was it up to expecations, was management pleased?


The Canada thing is also good news, as is the Mutran Chronicles. Saw that this morning as well! I'm interested to see if we will find out about the Blade Burrowers this year, as many loose ends might be tied up due to the new direction in 2009.



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Gaming? I didn't know you gamed...:P (Guess that's a pastime of everyone!)



Mutran 3 was sweet. Can't wait for the Blade Burrower's secret 'map' to be revealed.

You know, with all these mysteries and this year being the 'final' battle, the amount of not knowing stuff that's coming up is over-bearing.


Canada is now back on my good side; I'll have to stop the news that's spreading around school.


And adding just a bit more uselessness to my post...

My bro and his friend went to some kind of authentic German resturant in southern Indiana; they said they were so full, they were about to barf (then they ate for the next 3 days non-stop).


There's my 2 widgets.

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Boy, I can only imagine. I hear they feed patrons well and in good amounts in restaurants across the water. I wish I could visit the UK one day.


Once I asked for some chicken and a side salad... They gave me half of a lettuce and a whole chicken. You could say they feed you well in the UK. :P


It's nice to see that there are record profits in 2007 - does this apply to Bionicle, or just Lego in general?

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