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Fairy Abuse Campaign!



As revealed by these shocking photos, I endorse Fairy Abuse. You should too.

Sign here to join the Brotherhood: ________

Member list:
(as a perk all members now get Tanks, Squirrels, and little toy taxis!)
Bundalings (I are leader!)
~Eranok~ (my right-hand man)
Takua the Wanderer
.:Toa Velox:.
Luz Cero
Mord (and crisped)
Toa of Dancing
Kopaka-Angel of Ice (smash them!)
Air Force O' Dalek (traitor? More like Roodaka... he has a rebellion of some kind going here.
And a restaurant here.)
Toa Argan Toa of stone


People that actually don't want to dropkick a fairy: (you shouldn't like them[ABUSE THEM!])
(send them boxes full of dead muskrats in the mail, please.)
Tikaro (is leader of rebellion. Crazy fairy hugger.) (not anymore)
Air Force O' Dalek (is awesome anyway. He has a rebellion of some kind going here. And a restaurant here.)
Toaraga (is staff reminds me of Carebears. :fear: )
Nieve (is evil)
-Ruhann- (is a crybaby)
~Konta~ (?)
-Pulsar444- (is reasonable)
ChocolateFrogs (is hard to understand[is leader! Poison the fairies in front of him! Tank him here!)
Arch-Angel (TRAITOR!!)
Turakii #1 Lava Surfer (I assume...)
Takua the Wanderer (what? Aren't you on the good list?)
Dr. Cholie (he signed up in CF's blog)
Air-Master (also CF's)



Recommended Comments

Which side are you on Dalek? You signed up with CF a minute ago (literally, one minute).



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B-but, if you smash all the fairies, we'll all be left with piles of teeth under our pillows... :(




Silly Turakii, everyone knows the tooth fairy is really a Chupacabra. We aren't smashing Chupacabra's.

Can you add me to both lists? :P
I was the leader... CF... yous are EVIL!!! I still remain for the fairies though...



Teehee! You should get a blog, fairy hugger.

B-but, if you smash all the fairies, we'll all be left with piles of teeth under our pillows... :(





That's why we steal their little money pouches before we smash. :evilgrin:


Good man!

But what if they keep it in the bank? :P


We steal their ATM card and PIN number. THEN smash. Or, alternatively, we hold their relatives for ransom. And then smash. :P

Even bettah!

Yes, and I'm rebelling against both sides in my blog. Isn't that cool? :P




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I, Air Force O' Dalek, solemly swear, that I shall take up the role of rebelloin leader, but only if I get a link to my entry. :P



I thought you were for/against the fairies.


Also, CF is already pro-fairy leader.



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ah yes, those hot girls that dress up as farries..


whatever, i'm still in, i love farries :bigsmile:

Wait, you mean you hate fairies? Or should I put you on the naughty list?



Naught list. Those girls dressed up... O.O as he said....


I bought a Flamethrower at a garage sale for 50 cents!


*roasts faeries*



*Fairies sprinkle fairy dust so flamethrower doesn't work.*


Take that!




You all are cruel to fairies! Smashing, roasting, stomping, stabbing, abusing! What'd they ever to do you?!?! You didn't even give them a chance to enchant you with fairy dust. Just look at them! Not a Disney tinkerbell, but an anime fairy. Why wouldn't you want something like that hanging around you all day?



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~CF, fairies aren't cute if you see how I drew them in my banner I made.~

We have now come to the conclusion that there are more than one type of fairy out there.

I especially like the cute hot ones.

But the other kind are important for fantasy stories.



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Anyway, Bunda, I've got some dwarves, hobbits, and wizards and other magical beings on my side.

Orcs pending, if the wizards can cast the right spell.



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I bought a Flamethrower at a garage sale for 50 cents!


*roasts faeries*



Ooooh... WANT.

ah yes, those hot girls that dress up as farries..


whatever, i'm still in, i love farries :bigsmile:

Wait, you mean you hate fairies? Or should I put you on the naughty list?



Naught list. Those girls dressed up... O.O as he said....


I bought a Flamethrower at a garage sale for 50 cents!


*roasts faeries*



*Fairies sprinkle fairy dust so flamethrower doesn't work.*


Take that!




You all are cruel to fairies! Smashing, roasting, stomping, stabbing, abusing! What'd they ever to do you?!?! You didn't even give them a chance to enchant you with fairy dust. Just look at them! Not a Disney tinkerbell, but an anime fairy. Why wouldn't you want something like that hanging around you all day?



You and your fairy dust. Those fairies deserve abusing!

~CF, fairies aren't cute if you see how I drew them in my banner I made.~

We have now come to the conclusion that there are more than one type of fairy out there.

I especially like the cute hot ones.

But the other kind are important for fantasy stories.



Of course there are different kinds. We don't want to kill the sprite-types... those are cool.



Anyway, Bunda, I've got some dwarves, hobbits, and wizards and other magical beings on my side.

Orcs pending, if the wizards can cast the right spell.



Bah, I have tanks, squirrels, and woolly mammoths, so there!



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Not to mention my goblins, trolls, and ogres! Along with corrupt fairies and a couple orcs!

No, don't call them fairies. They're sprites.



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Not to mention my goblins, trolls, and ogres! Along with corrupt sprites and a couple orcs!

I'm already working on the orcs.

Keep within the rules! I already got them!



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Bunda, I give my army of cats to you to use for the cause. You can't use magic on 'em 'cause that would be animal abuse, and they're interested in eating small flying things.


Like fairies. :evilgrin:

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