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Fairy Abuse Campaign!



As revealed by these shocking photos, I endorse Fairy Abuse. You should too.

Sign here to join the Brotherhood: ________

Member list:
(as a perk all members now get Tanks, Squirrels, and little toy taxis!)
Bundalings (I are leader!)
~Eranok~ (my right-hand man)
Takua the Wanderer
.:Toa Velox:.
Luz Cero
Mord (and crisped)
Toa of Dancing
Kopaka-Angel of Ice (smash them!)
Air Force O' Dalek (traitor? More like Roodaka... he has a rebellion of some kind going here.
And a restaurant here.)
Toa Argan Toa of stone


People that actually don't want to dropkick a fairy: (you shouldn't like them[ABUSE THEM!])
(send them boxes full of dead muskrats in the mail, please.)
Tikaro (is leader of rebellion. Crazy fairy hugger.) (not anymore)
Air Force O' Dalek (is awesome anyway. He has a rebellion of some kind going here. And a restaurant here.)
Toaraga (is staff reminds me of Carebears. :fear: )
Nieve (is evil)
-Ruhann- (is a crybaby)
~Konta~ (?)
-Pulsar444- (is reasonable)
ChocolateFrogs (is hard to understand[is leader! Poison the fairies in front of him! Tank him here!)
Arch-Angel (TRAITOR!!)
Turakii #1 Lava Surfer (I assume...)
Takua the Wanderer (what? Aren't you on the good list?)
Dr. Cholie (he signed up in CF's blog)
Air-Master (also CF's)



Recommended Comments

I'll sign.


You know not, how much I want to blast a fairy in the face with a 12-gauge shotgun right now.








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I'll...sign. I think.


I think I like fairies and don't want to abuse them.


I also think you're talking about something I have no clue about, like a video game perhaps.


Whatever. *signs, for now*



No video game references. This came out of my own twisted mind.[/proud]

That explains it.


What does this group do? I like fairies, I think I'm pretty sure. My friends are fairies. (The girl ones, some of them.)




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I heard faeries are trying to take over the government!




Those things are a menace!





Yes, that's what I've been trying to tell them. Those silly goverments never believe me though.

They might take over McDonalds O_O




How is that not a good thing?

I wish to set one on fire just to see what will happen. Is that bad?

That's not bad. That's abusive.

sign me up! it looks just too fun..........

Doesn't it now?

Wh-wh-WHY?!?!?!?!?! Fairies are so pretty and fluttery! I'm against this one. :cry: How could you do this??


R-R-R-R-R-UHANN!! :crying:



Nooooooo! Not Navi!!


p.s. I'm posting this on my Wii.




lol wut?

Well, I never did say I liked faeries, so...




*Set a Fairy on fire*




Wow, that felt good. XD




Yay! Flaming fairies! ( :P )

Fairies? *Shivers* I'll get a sledge hammer...


Sledge... hammer...


I'll sign.


You know not, how much I want to blast a fairy in the face with a 12-gauge shotgun right now.








I feel your pain.

Why hurt fairies? Add me to the list against it.

'Cause it's exciting!

I'll...sign. I think.


I think I like fairies and don't want to abuse them.


I also think you're talking about something I have no clue about, like a video game perhaps.


Whatever. *signs, for now*



No video game references. This came out of my own twisted mind.[/proud]

That explains it.


What does this group do? I like fairies, I think I'm pretty sure. My friends are fairies. (The girl ones, some of them.)



The group abuses fairies every time they get a chance. It's like a creepy brotherhood or something.


You mean they're gay?




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I'll...sign. I think.


I think I like fairies and don't want to abuse them.


I also think you're talking about something I have no clue about, like a video game perhaps.


Whatever. *signs, for now*



No video game references. This came out of my own twisted mind.[/proud]

That explains it.


What does this group do? I like fairies, I think I'm pretty sure. My friends are fairies. (The girl ones, some of them.)



The group abuses fairies every time they get a chance. It's like a creepy brotherhood or something.


You mean they're gay?




No! I wanted to clarify that it was the girl ones dressing up like fairies (like on Halloween) not the boys.


Take me off that list. I'm pro-fairy.



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But the fairys never did anything... I'm pro-fairy aswell.

I will lead the rebellion! Who's with me!?....... For the fairys!!!


I've got a good fairy story incorporating halloween also. It's a funny one!



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ah yes, those hot girls that dress up as farries..


whatever, i'm still in, i love farries :bigsmile:

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ah yes, those hot girls that dress up as farries..

whatever, i'm still in, i love farries :bigsmile:

Wait, you mean you hate fairies? Or should I put you on the naughty list?

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yes, i hate farries, i like girls that dress up as them :P



I see... I don't know wether I should leave you in the club or eject you to neutral.



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*Hastily scribbles down his signature.* Fairies have been treated too well in the past. The deserve to be tenderized.


And crisped.

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B-but, if you smash all the fairies, we'll all be left with piles of teeth under our pillows... :(





That's why we steal their little money pouches before we smash. :evilgrin:



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But what if they keep it in the bank? :P


We steal their ATM card and PIN number. THEN smash. Or, alternatively, we hold their relatives for ransom. And then smash. :P


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