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What Is Humor?

Spoony Bard


Because some members don't know what exactly humor is, I shall give a good definition of humor.


Humor is a harmless entity that makes you laugh and/or entertains you. And by harmless, I mean it does not offend everyone.


If you make a joke, and it offends people, it isn't humorous at all. Even if you, the person who makes the joke, believes it to be humorous, the joke as a whole is never humorous.


Accusing someone of being a Nazi, while knowing it will offend that person, the group he belongs to, and als Germans and the Jewish, is never humorous. By doing so, you place yourself below the rank of a Nazi, which then makes yourself even worse than a Nazi. And to the person who compared me to a Nazi. Well with what I just said, you are worse than a Nazi.


Also since the joke was supported with images. Well the way I see it, if you sport the look, you support the view. So by having an avatar of Hitler, you automatically place yourself on the side with Hitler and support all Nazi views.


Thank you and goodnight.




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lol. It's happening again. You guys and your opinions on humor. Humor is subjective, just like art. I find things funny that you don't. YOU CANNOT PROVE THAT I AM NOT BEING HUMORED. Now stop irratating me.
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I'm just going to comment on Omi's entry here after seeing the other entries that have gathered up....


Good point. I want to address Ca's actions myself in the near future.




PS, Dalek Paan, your text burns my eyes.

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Subjective or not, there are boundaries. what you laugh at with your friends is one thing, but certain 'jokes' aren't acceptable at certain times or in certain places. Like, for example, a predominantly children's message board, maybe? Thats really what it comes down too, not what you find humorous and acceptable, but what is socially acceptable, or what is acceptable according to certain guidelines designed to make the environment safe and worry free for parents of said children.

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while yes, some "jokes" can be considered offensive, we all shouldn't have to stay up to these political standards. What one person consideres funny is different from anothers. We can all laugh at whatever we please, wether it be at someone elses expense or not, when it goes to far is when someone gets offended by this. When that happens, the offender doesn't need to be cast out as a heretic and a traitor who is marked for death. First off the person who is offended should tell that person to stop, you cant just be mad at someone for one joke, if it were to persist then you have a reason to complain. Those who stay quiet refuse their rights.


so basically humor is an opinion of how one finds the situaton funny or not, but making fun of others to the point of offense is just morally wrong.

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Kame (with many others) speaks the truth. I may disagree with Omi in that I think what constitutes humor varies from person to person, but there's no denying that there is a boundary of what is or is not acceptable to say in a community as a whole. I know you don't care what other people think, Ca'gerrin, but it seems you need reminding again that this is a forum where it does matter what other people think, whatever you think about that rule. What you find funny, many, many others find offensive, and this is a situation where, quite simply, majority rules. There's no way anyone can really change what you think. But by just being on BZP you agreed to act in a certain way – or, more accurately, agreed to refrain from acting in ways that would offend others. I know there are places where things like the recent actions in question would be appreciated and found funny; no point denying that. So why not take them there instead of here, and leave BZP free of the things there are rules against in the first place?


As many have asked, why can't we all just get along and respect each other, even if we don't agree?

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So as I have read from this entry...


You're saying that Nazis are not funny.


Except for Col. Klink and Sgt. Schultz.... but they weren't really loyal to the party, just their lives. But they were hilarious.


But yeah, if anyone calls anyone a Nazi these days, they'd better have 3 references of Goosestomping and/or references of saluting a nutjob.


*shrugs* But yeah, I agree whoever called you that probably had no proof, and probably sank worse than a Nazi.


But then again, what could be worse than one? >_> -Swert

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Well the way I see it, if you sport the look, you support the view.

(This is just an example, I'm not trying to bring up politics.) So you're saying if I'm a Democrat and I put the Republican elephant as my av, I'm then a Republican?


MB has spoken

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Ca'gerrin did.

Placed Hapori Tohu's gears behind Hitler's face. Made a banner to go along with it.

Chaos ensues.


Go check out his blog.



Though I know I'm not the first person to do it, though probably the first person to do it on BZP itself.




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Could you answer my question?


The answer would be yes. Humor is not being a Nazi.



How 'bout my 2nd question?


What second question?



Read my post and find out about that vegetarian group.

The 10th post in your entry, of course.


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Personally, no offense to you Omi, but with all this comparing people to nazi's, I'd like to see this entry locked.


However a joke offending someone doesn't make it fully un-funny. I've got admin clearance and we'll see what BZP thinks soon enough. But, as Sharky said, what about those who laugh at themselves?

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