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I've Been Thinking...



Yeah, I've been doing that a lot lately. But I just want to discuss one of the many things I have swirling around in my mess of a mind.


I'm thinking about getting my ears gauged.


Nothing too big, though. Those are ridiculous looking.


I haven't decided if I really want to do it yet, because I haven't found something specific that I like.


What say you guys?




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Guest Cap'n Bionicle


If that is one of the things you have been thinking of, then I don't want to know whatever else it was swirling around in there. To think I came here for some sort of insight or philosophy.... :rolleyes:
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I've been thinking about doing the same thing. Though, I wouldn't want anything too big. That or getting them pierced and getting earrings that have flat fronts.


I've also thought about getting my lip or eyebrows pierced.

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Technic-bushing size?




I don't know.


God-given ears should not be meddled my man-made desires.



I see no harm.




I've been thinking about doing the same thing. Though, I wouldn't want anything too big. That or getting them pierced and getting earrings that have flat fronts.


I've also thought about getting my lip or eyebrows pierced.

Yeah right you just want to be just like me. :D


A friend of mine has wanted her lip pierced for a long time, and she finally did it herself two weeks ago with a friend (lol). Two days later her mom found out and she got in trouble and had to take it out. I mean, the total disregard for authority is awesome and is just the kinda thing I like, but it was kinda inevitable if you knew her mother.


On a guy, I can't really imagine a lip or eyebrow piercing not being creepy.


Go for it. If it is something you want to do, then do it. Nothing stopped me when I got my tattoos.



The thing is, I'm not sure exactly what I want yet.


And a piercing is a little different than a tattoo. If you decide you don't like the piercing, all you have to do is take it out and the hole should heal by itself. With a tattoo, you're stuck with it unless you get that expensive surgery that can supposedly remove them.

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I'd have to suggest that you don't... Being on this side when my friend got them, I can't say they looked good at all... It is your choice, though... But I'd recommend that you don't.
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You must not hang around the same type of people I hang out with, then. I've seen numerous dudes with either/both and they look fine, IMO.


Ear piercing would come first, if I decided to do any piercings at all. Eyebrow would come second, lip would be last.

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