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Questions From Randomland

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


  1. If you one day woke up and discovered you had gained teleportation powers overnight, where would you go first?
  2. A salesman offers you an exchange and opens a briefcase full of alternate mental powers. Which would you look for?
  3. Do you find teeth-brushing to be enjoyable?
  4. What's your favorite album art?
  5. Quick, choose: banana or pineapple?
  6. If you could have any character/person for your boyfriend/girlfriend, which would you choose?
  7. Should running away screaming be an option on the above question?


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6. Heh, I don't need one now, but AnnaSophia Robb's nice. :blush:



Yeah... :blush:


1. A Tobymac Newsboys consert?... I don't know, it's hard to pin down.

2. Telekinesis.

3. No.

4. Tobymac's Portable Sounds.

5. ...Pineapple! *aspirin, wheres the aspirin*

6. I guess it would have to be AnnaSophia. :blush:

7. Depends on what your answers were. :P


Gryphus 1

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1-lets see... a yes, i'd go to the white house, and bug the president, then teliport away when gaurds came.

2-duh. it would be thought reading. now one could hide form me every again...

3-yes. if you don't take in the after taste of the toothpaste.

4-that would be my greyed out banner with grey alien glow, "i don't care about this ban. thus, i don't not care what yuo think of it"


6-hmmm.... a very hard choise.... how bout you? but your sanity level is on verge.... i don't know.

7-yes. as thats what i'm going to do right now.

very well. i've got all the Q's doen. now i'll do what my was comment said.

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1. Somewhere where I can gain more powers, y'know shrinking, flight, the 42 rahkshi powers, etc.

Or the 1st place where I'd need to.

2. Mind control. "I don't need to turn in my research paper..."

3. No.

4. No idea.

5. Pineapple.

6. See question 7).

7. Yes.

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If you one day woke up and discovered you had gained teleportation powers overnight, where would you go first?

- So many possibilities....My friend's house to spook them? A far away country? Walmart to buy some LEGO sets? :P

A salesman offers you an exchange and opens a briefcase full of alternate mental powers. Which would you look for?


Do you find teeth-brushing to be enjoyable?


What's your favorite album art?

-Skillet's Self Titled Album.

Quick, choose: banana or pineapple?


If you could have any character/person for your boyfriend/girlfriend, which would you choose?

-***fzzZzttt****TRANSMISSION FAI-**fzZzzzZzt***** Reboot? y/n

Should running away screaming be an option on the above question?

-Only if the person running away screaming is in a funny outfit. :)

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If you one day woke up and discovered you had gained teleportation powers overnight, where would you go first?

Hmm, to brush my teeth?


A salesman offers you an exchange and opens a briefcase full of alternate mental powers. Which would you look for?



Do you find teeth-brushing to be enjoyable?

The results, yes, but not the proccess.


What's your favorite album art?

The "Relient K - Mmhmm" flower.


Quick, choose: banana or pineapple?

Ew, pineapple. Definitely banana.


If you could have any character/person for your boyfriend/girlfriend, which would you choose?

A non-existant one.


Should running away screaming be an option on the above question?


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1. Greg's office, to steal his files on future storyline.


2. Shapeshifting/illusion.


3. Not really.


4. Any Demon Hunter cover art.


5. Pineapple


6. Err... you? *hits head against wall*


7. Heck. Yes.


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Turakii, asking people random questions isn't a sign of mental stability. ;)





1. If you one day woke up and discovered you had gained teleportation powers overnight, where would you go first?

2. A salesman offers you an exchange and opens a briefcase full of alternate mental powers. Which would you look for?

3. Do you find teeth-brushing to be enjoyable?

4. What's your favorite album art?

5. Quick, choose: banana or pineapple?

6. If you could have any character/person for your boyfriend/girlfriend, which would you choose?

7. Should running away screaming be an option on the above question?


1. Some place with more sanity then Turakii.

2. I would look for X-ray vision. :evilgrin: Or maybe hypnosis, then I hypnotize him to give me all the mental powers. Then I'll take the X-ray vision.

3. Yes

4. My Family Album

5. Banana. Makes me want to sing. Oh, YES, we have no bananas. we have no bananas today!....

6. Gahdok. It's a conspiracy... :fear:

7. Yes. Obviously.


:wub: Shadow Scimitar :wub:

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1. Tampa, Florida

2. Mind Control

3. No.

4. Megadeth - Peace Sells... But Who's Buying or probably Slayer - Reign in Blood

5. Banana!

6. Nobody.

7. Depends...



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1. Um... a Seether concert, or the inside of a bank vault...

2. Mental Blast

3. Not really...

4. Seether's 'Finding Beauty in Negative Spaces'. Although, that's closely combatted by KoRn's 'Issues.'

*zombies from Issues attack the purple demon girl*

5. Pineapple! Those hurt more when you throw them.

6. Wouldn't change mine for the world.

7. Nope!

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1)Burger King


3)No,it's not enjoyable,IT'S AMAZING!

4)Rage Against the Machine artwork

5)PINEAPPLE!After all,Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?


A hermit crab that couldn't find a shell!


6)Errm...Flandre Scarlet?

7)Yes,because Flandre destroys anything she touches.



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1.I'd teleport back to my computer, because that way I wouldn't have to walk down the stairs.

2. I'd look for one that allows me to get rid of salesmen.






3. Er. Well.

4. The soundtrack for Studio Ghibli's 'Neko No Ongaeshi' (The Cat Returns).

5. Banana. The last time I ate a pineapple, it wasn't ripe, and it burned my tongue to the point of sheer distress.

6. One of my female friends in the real world. :wub:

7. Considering I answered it, running away in a flurry of papers and overturned books doesn't exactly come to mind.

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1. umm......the bathroom

2. i guess telepathy, so i can mess with your mind :evilgrin:

3. if my brother's not in the washroom at the same time

4. Superchic[k]'s Regeneration CD

5. pineapple

6. Prince Caspian

7. yes


this was fun

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