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Bzpower Presents: Pimp My Blog

Spoony Bard




I bring you Pimp My Blog. Credit for idea goes to Exo and banner is Makaru's.


Now everyone has an awesome look to their blogs. But some people just have that bland look. Well chin up foo', Homiecron is here to make your blogness get pimped, that even chicks will feel the amazing aura of your blog from 10 miles away.


So what does it take to have a pimped out blog? Look at mine, Schizo's, Torhu's, Kex's. You want banners and special blog buttons, and not the standard ones that BZP gives you.


So what are ya waiting for?




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This could be a new fad! :P I made this banner for anyone who's pimp'd their blog. Feel free to use!


IPB Image






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Holy...donuts. You actually decided to do it. :P


Hapori Tizzle picture is perfect though.


Oh, and I'd like to advertise here, I can make buttons that look disturbingly close to the IPB buttons. xP

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All right, so since Exo's deciding to use it as a banner, and no doubt there will be others to follow, I've resized the banner so it fits inside BZP's guidelines. If it doesn't fit it on your computer, hit CTRL+F5.


I can't believe I coaxed you enough to do this. I feel like I accomplished something.

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Hey now. Kex stole his ideas from me. Make some mention of the original, trend-setting, pimptastic blog, "Captain's Quarters" :P

Edited for ego. :P

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Hey now. Kex stole his ideas from me. Make some mention of the original, trend-setting, pimptastic blog, "Captain's Quarters" :P

Edited for ego. :P


Tonight on WSF (World Supercilious Federation) Raw: Schizo-ego versus Smeagol-ego! The match of the century!

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Nah. Schizo and Smeagol will battle it out...but then out from the corners ole' T-Hybrid will come running out and belt both with a steel chair, claiming the belt for himself.




Great idea Omi. Good to see the movement finally getting a name of some kind. Now we have a battle cry to go along with our trend-setting blogs. ;)

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You guys need a proper logo:




... and a sig!




Yeah. B)

You beat me! Well, to posting your logo and banner here anyway. (Why didn't I think of that.) But I must say, the green looks much better than what I did. :P (IMO) But if any of you like various shades of orange, you could use mine!


My Logo

My Sig

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Hey now. Kex stole his ideas from me. Make some mention of the original, trend-setting, pimptastic blog, "Captain's Quarters" :P

Edited for ego. :P


Tonight on WSF (World Supercilious Federation) Raw: Schizo-ego versus Smeagol-ego! The match of the century!

If any is gonna win the battle of egos, it will be me. My ego is bigger then all of BZP members combined (which includes you guys). :P


And why is my ego bigger, cuz I say so. Woot.


Glad to see people are hopping on the bandwagon. B)



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You guys need a proper logo:

Yeah. Okay. That's kinda good. But I dunno. It's missing some flair...

IPB Image

Yeah, that's the one. That's perfect.

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You guys need a proper logo:

Yeah. Okay. That's kinda good. But I dunno. It's missing some flair...

IPB Image

Yeah, that's the one. That's perfect.

*bows down to all-mighty Mak*


You have enlightened me! :D


Where is the chrome, spinning rims? :P





Good point. What's a Pimped out Blog without some chrome?!

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Gah, it was 150, not 100. >.>


Thanks for the one-day usage of that sig, Makaru. I forgot to put your name in my sig, I think :P

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Thanks for the one-day usage of that sig, Makaru. I forgot to put your name in my sig, I think :P

Eh, I'm usually in someone's sig, somewhere. Whether I know about it or not.


By the way, grooovy sig, man. It's like... far out, man.

*puts on Purple Haze*

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Where is the chrome, spinning rims? :P

If I could figure out ImageReady, I could get a spinner on that O in there. Anybody care to do this besides me? ;)

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the "man" is taking over with these flashy pimpy things! Pimp is two letters away from Pimple, you know.

IPB Image

come, let us gather under this banner of unpimpedness.


okay, now that I have submitted to my natural instinct of rebellion, (us mobiuses have been doing it for thousands of years, come on, name another 3D shape with one side and one edge)

I'll go ahead and say I tried to stick a gold spinner on there using the latest in image software. (okay, MSpaint) unfortunantly, it wouldn't recognize any colors other than the ones already in the image, so gold didn't quite work.

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