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Bzpower Presents: Pimp My Blog

Spoony Bard




I bring you Pimp My Blog. Credit for idea goes to Exo and banner is Makaru's.


Now everyone has an awesome look to their blogs. But some people just have that bland look. Well chin up foo', Homiecron is here to make your blogness get pimped, that even chicks will feel the amazing aura of your blog from 10 miles away.


So what does it take to have a pimped out blog? Look at mine, Schizo's, Torhu's, Kex's. You want banners and special blog buttons, and not the standard ones that BZP gives you.


So what are ya waiting for?




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MS Paint just lost you all your followers, Möbius. :P


And my ego officially declares that it will not take any insubordination from you young whippersnappers. Don't make Mout come and shoot all of our egoes, they took so long to grow.

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Sure, though I don't know whether it's possible to heavily customize the software itself. To the Binkphone!


I think one of my personalities is a big Batman fan...


Anyhow, this is why we're doing our own thing with the blogs. Also, because Bink has enough work as it is. ;)

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What's there to say?


Everybody loves Omi...

That could be the name of a TV show. oO
I'm hearin' colors, man.
That usually happens when you take certain illegal drugs. So that scares me. :blink: Just remember what they taught you in D.A.R.E.: Don't Attack Really (Big) Egos. :P


But alas, nobody has mentioned a Spam Museum, nor a Quote Museum, nor a Band Joke corner. My blog's got an ego of its own. :happydance:

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But alas, nobody has mentioned a Spam Museum, nor a Quote Museum, nor a Band Joke corner. My blog's got an ego of its own. :happydance:

That's no spam museum, the real one's in Minnesota. :)


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Do I want to know what pimp means?

In this context, it would mean something along the lines of "To make cool looking." Though with all the plugs for other blogs that pop up once in a while, I wouldn't be surprised if the definition of "trying to sell your stuff to somebody" wouldn't also work ;)

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I just noticed something, Omi.


In the shuffle of pimping your blog, Than's Corner seems to have been misplaced. Is it coming back?

It's gone! :o


Shows you how much I cared about that little dump. I didn't even notice it was missing.

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I just noticed something, Omi.


In the shuffle of pimping your blog, Than's Corner seems to have been misplaced. Is it coming back?

Than didn't seem to wanna update it. :P


I still got it, I just need to switch it on.



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