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2nd Chances Moc Contest: Beasts! ( Bionicle Paracosmos Contest #1)




Welcome to the first Bionicle Paracosmos Contest! For anybody that isn't aware, the BP is my adventure mystery fanfic series, with epics, short stories, and an RPG; all of those that are online listed here.

For the future Epic #4: Twisted Island, I need a lot of super-dangerous beasts that will be let loose from a "zoo" of sorts as part of that epic's core mystery. These could be Rahi, mutants, animalistic titans, diminutive creatures, even seemingly nonliving objects that are actually alive and dangerous, etc. Whatever -- as wide a variety as possible is what I'm looking for. :)

This is a MOC contest because I've seen so many BBC contest entries or just random posted MOCs that are really cool, but only one can win, and they get forgotten and can't be in later BBC contests. I'd like to give them a second chance.

Therefore, this contest is open to past MOCs, with a seperate lesser category for new MOCs! The the winning MOC entries in this contest will be featured in BP Epic 4: Twisted Island. :D

Entry Period

Begins now. Ends 11:59 PM EST (which I call midnight :P) on Thursday, July 3.


At first this was going to be just for past MOCs, but on second thought I've decided to have two categories. 1) Past MOCs. 2) New MOCs. :P


1) Either a past BBC entry or a non-contest MOC may be entered in Category 1.

2) Past MOCs must have been made before May 15, 2008. Please link to the MOC's topic or something else with a date attached. Anything else goes in the New MOCs category.

3) No BBC contest winning MOCs.

4) Only enter your own MOCs, though you can ask others if they'd like to enter a MOC they've made.

5) Up to 3 MOCs per member.

6) Follow all BZPower rules.

7) I pick winners, but will listen to any "nominating" comments you make for someone else.

8) No set number of winners; will depend on how many enter, and overall quality of entries.

9) Entry format:

Category: [2nd Chances, or New MOC]
Beast Name: 

(Direct link the image by pasting the pic's URL between the image tags.)


1) Preference will be given to the past MOCs category.

2) I might wanna modify the descriptions somewhat for Epic 4; will ask enterer for permission if so, though.

3) Most likely only one of your three entries can win. For this contest though I might make exceptions; in that case, only one would get much story time, and wouldn't actually claim a spot on the numbered list of winning entries.

4) The island in Twisted Island will be mostly jungle with some swamp ground and some dry ground, and the only sources of light are various glowing plants, creatures, or lightstones. However, creatures from this "zoo" were collected by a mysterious being from all over the Bionicle universe, so pretty much anything goes. Just to set the stage for you a little more without giving too much away. :)

5) Preference will be given to non-humanoids, remember.


Winning beasts will be featured in Bionicle Paracosmos Epic 4: Twisted Island. Top winners will get the most story time, with the top few being important to the plot. Winning entries will also be listed in a winners' blog entry.


Recommended Comments

It’s a little big, so I’ll link it. :P




Category: 2nd Chances

Beast Name: Nui Dragon

Topic: Right here


Description: Originally supposed to be the ultimate weapon against the Dark Hunters, this Rahi proved to be too powerful, even for the Makuta, and was sent to be executed by Kojol. Kojol instead had him transported to the Dark Hunter base anyway. Kojol, expecting the dragon to be there by now, had then learned of a boat being sunk about 50 miles from the shores of Destral and a report of a giant dragon flying away. Recently, the Nui Dragon had been living on Voya Nui until the Toa Mahri sank the island, forcing the him to find another place to stay.



-/\/\ajor /\/\arvelous-


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Wheeee you're so awesome, Bonesyyy. =D I think I'm gonna enter this thing with some old creations of mine:



Category: [2nd Chances]

Beast Name: Brachio

Topic: OLD

Description: A dino thingy, based on a Brachiosaurus. Just ignore the little Norik guy =P. Gigantic - is probably around 30 bio long. Is generally a calm beast, but once enraged, you can't stop him. Lives on mountains.



Category: [2nd Chances]

Beast Name: Jigone


Description: A muffin. Oh, uh, I mean, a brown dog-lizard thing with spikes and menacing green eyes. He's only friendly to his owner - he bites anyone else he sees.



Category: [2nd Chances]

Beast Name: Radar

Topic: Not that old or evil, but decided to enter him anyway. =P

Description: Radar is an alien. He is red and green. He likes old TV shows.


(BTW, nobody post in these topics, 'cuz they're all dead. And then I'll have to close them. And then I'll be depressed. :P)

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Meh. :/


(giant pic link'd)


Category: 2nd Chances

Beast Name (lol): Mushroom Toads

Topic: Yonder

Description: Tiny, but coated with a deadly venom.


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Oh boy, this is gonna be good! Good MOC's already. And i have some competition for them :evilgrin:

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Sounds great! I am on vacation at the moment, so I shall have to get working when I get home. I haven't ever really done a rahi beast before... New practice and experience! Yay! ^_^



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hmm... I think I might enter this one. I do have a few questions though:


1) can we use an MOC that isn't made, but I'm making it for another blog contest? So, it hasn't been used or made yet, but when it is made, I'll be using it for yours and someone else's? If not, could I just change the colors?


2) would a toa-size creature with guns, with an evil backstory be considered beastly? It's like a mech.


3) can it be anything evil, or does it actually have to be a 'beast'?




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hmm... I think I might enter this one. I do have a few questions though:


1) can we use an MOC that isn't made, but I'm making it for another blog contest? So, it hasn't been used or made yet, but when it is made, I'll be using it for yours and someone else's? If not, could I just change the colors?


2) would a toa-size creature with guns, with an evil backstory be considered beastly? It's like a mech.


3) can it be anything evil, or does it actually have to be a 'beast'?




1) Yes; that would go in the new MOCs category. :)

2) Well... it depends on if it looks beastly enough. :P You can enter up to three, so unless you have three others you'd prefer to try, it's worth a shot.

3) It can be evil. Some of the beasts I've already planned from before are evil.

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Category: 2nd Chances

Beast Name: Katea Shark

Topic: Topic

Description: This creature is a close relative of the Takea Shark. While huge numbers populate the waters of the outer Pit, very few specimen can be found in underground oceans. When hunting, it relies on its sharp teeth and its powerful fins. Since its escape from its imprisonment on the Twisted Island one Katea resides in the deeper parts of the swamp. And it didn't find a suitable meal yet...


It's a bit outdated but I hope this will fit in your story. :)


More Rahi coming soon...

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oh, ok. THanks.


could it be an evil self MOC? i get mutated, so I'm a Makuta with triple jointed legs.. beastily enough? ^_^

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oh, ok. THanks.


could it be an evil self MOC? i get mutated, so I'm a Makuta with triple jointed legs.. beastily enough? ^_^

I suppose. :)


May I enter one thing, then a few days later enter the other two?



Yep. :)

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Category: Old

Beast Name: Collosus Keras Crab

Topic: *digs more* Here

Description: Big crab thingy. Eats... anything.



Category: Old

Beast Name: Komiki Cat


Description: Cut litttle cat thingy. Eats fish.



Category: Old

Beast Name: Xoyanius Voxus

Topic: Here

Description: Big undead thingy. Eats nothing, because he's undead haha.







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Category: 2nd Chances
Beast Name: Kunu Leke
Topic: Thar it be.
Description: A cow-like sea Rahi, it often oozes quietly to itself. ( :P ) Don't let it's size and placid attitude fool you; when it's angry it can move amazingly fast and be extremely vicious. They live in herds, and eat algae.

I'll enter more later.

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Category: [New MOC]

Beast Name: Kerta Air Serpent

Topic: None

Description: A vicious flying serpent. Spits acid and eats carrion. Multitudes of these beasts can be seen flying in circles above potential prey. Matoran consider the Kerta Air Serpent to be a bad omen.


I love this contest.

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Category: New MOC

Beast Name: it's a Scorpion (refered to as the Silk spinner)

Topic: Here

Description: First seen in Po-Wahi, the Silk Spinners traveled all over the universe. They have learned to wrap their legs in silk to prevent cuts, for their silk is as strong as Protosteel. Their tails produce Venom, strong enough to kill a Strong Rahi (like a Dermis turtle's Shell).

It eats anything it can, but prefers Muffins. :P



Category: New MOC

Beast Name: it's a Mutated Visorak (Refered to as the Daddy Long Fangs)

Topic: Here

Description: It was mutated by Roodaka to make an ultimate Species of Visorak. Something went wrong, and it enlarged and will atack Voritxx on sight. There are only 50 of them left in the Matoran Universe, due to Voritxx weaponary. It eats anythign smaller then itself (He's about 30 Kio), but loves the mountan on Xia.



Category: New MOC

Beast Name: it's a Mutated Dermis Turtle (Refered to as the Sharpmouth)

Topic: Here

Description: It was a normal Dermis Turtle until the BoM caught it. After the Mutated it, it grew a helmet, and it's head became a sharp sword. It has the power to mutate anything, and will attack Makuta on sight. It can sence Makuta if they shapeshift. It will eat any rahi in the Water.

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Category:2nd Chances

Beast Name:Rastreador (Spanish for Tracker)

Topic: Here

Description: A completely alien creature, its origin came from another dimension. It has no organic tissue and is very similar to Bohrok, except that it can function on its own. It's multi-jointed arms can grapple any object for balance on trees or land, and it's outer claws help it slice through thick objects. It uses sonar tracking with its head to find materials to repair itself when damaged, and if another Rahi gets in its way, the sonar tracker blasts out waves of heat energy to incinerate the threat. It is rumored that these creatures are controlled by another force, due to the fact that they show no emotion or feelings. They can be found in the inner parts of the island.



Category: 2nd Chances

Beast Name: Kyrakky Crab

Topic: Here

Description: A hermit crab that lives on the bay of the island, it eats microscopic sand organisms. It uses its shell to protect it from prey, and are very cautious.



Category: 2nd Chances

Beast Name: Zu Rama (I hope it's okay if I rename this MOC and description)

Topic: Here

Description: A smaller species of Nui Rama that inhabits the caves of the island in hives. They cooperate with each other and can change color to fit their surroundings, although their original color is red. They feed on liquid Protodermis, and have no predators, but are very stupid and tend to get killed in flights and fights. These bugs enjoy fighting larger creatures and flying.

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Would Keetongu count as a beast?

Keetongu himself? He wouldn't be in this zoo; he's helping the Rahaga. A member of his species? Mutated, I assume? Yes, that would work.

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I just want to confirm this; I posted a MOC here years ago, but the pictures since been deleted from my Brickshelf. If I could find a picture and repost it, would it be considered a "new" or "old" MOC?



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