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Ponies Bring Out The Worst In People...



It seems like the majority of BZP thinks that being 'cool' and 'mature' means shunning anything that seems to be targeted towards a younger audience or the oposite sex.

It makes me sad.



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I know! Isn't it weird? I mean, what's wrong with them? Just last week I pulled out the one My Little Pony set that my sister has and played with it. I don't know why, but I'm oddly attracted to it. :)

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For shame!

And on a LEGO site for robot action figures...

Lulz, exactly. Like AFOLs thinking Bionicle was childish... so funny...

Interesting, some pony angst here?



That sentence is awesome.

I know! Isn't it weird? I mean, what's wrong with them? Just last week I pulled out the one My Little Pony set that my sister has and played with it. I don't know why, but I'm oddly attracted to it. :)

It is weird...


I think I would be too, if we still had any. I kind of want to find an episode online or something now...


They're just so shiny and colorful!



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I don't hate ponies... I am just afraid on the minds behind the ponies. :P


And this from a site where people change their gender status half the time...



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I awgee. How can you be calling ponies uncool on a forum about building blocks?


Also cool kids = Fail in life



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No, I'm not being 'insecure', I'm just saying, if your going to run the site, have a little bit of respect. . . and I wonder why BD is planning on leaving. . .


It's actually the exact opposite. They do one fun thing to entertain BZP and every ones gets upset? The others make there little hate groups and stuff against it. It makes no sense to rebel against it. The staff is just trying to have some fun.



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I awgee. How can you be calling ponies uncool on a forum about building blocks?


Also cool kids = Fail in life



This is truth.

I wonder if that's why BZP filtered the "cool dude".


Ponies are pretty and sparkly and happy!


Hey, I'm a pony! =D





*gives sugar and oats and glomps*



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Something that's aimed towards younger people of the other gender?


Umm . . . Well . . .



I don't condemn it. :P



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I'm surprised Seran hasn't commented here yet.


Well, I'm neutral. I dislike ponies, but I like Unicorns.



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Guest kopakanuva13


Shun the Non-believers...









Candy mountain! Let's go to candy mountain and have an adveeeenture, Charlie! Yeaaaah, have an adventure! Yeaaaah! Candy mountain! Let's have an adventuuuure, yeah, Charlieeee!


:pirate: -Macku- :pirate:

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It's a Leoplurodon Charlie! It will guide our way to Candy Mountain!




It has shown us the way!



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