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Maku And Huki

ToM Dracone


The original and forever delightful Bionicle couple... It was raining last weekend (and is right now, in fact), so I was outside as usual, and I got the idea for a few shots of the two of them:




Maku by herself, sitting on the wet deck perfectly at ease...




Huki, meanwhile, is cowering underneath using a leaf to stay dry.




This was actually the first picture I took, Maku looking down at Huki where he's hiding out of the rain...


maku-huki4.jpg_thumb.jpg maku-huki5.jpg_thumb.jpg


She convinces him to come up, and they share Huki's umbrella. How romantic!


(Yes, I'm feeling a little bit silly right now. There's Ellengo if you want something more serious.)

~ Shipwreck


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Wow! This just made my day!


Also, Ellengo is pretty amazing. I really love the removable armor. Was there a DV influence on that MOC?

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See, this is what I like. None of that storyline canon "THERE IS NO ROMANCE IN BIONICLE PERIOD SORRY" stuff. =)
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See, this is what I like. None of that storyline canon "THERE IS NO ROMANCE IN BIONICLE PERIOD SORRY" stuff. =)

Dokky, "friendly loyalty." i.e. "Oh, well fine, these two are always flirting, and this one's going to die because she thinks that one's dead, and these two are more concerned about one another than any other two BIONICLE characters. But it can't be love because they can't reproduce."


It's a cover-up, but I'm happy with it as long as Greg and the story team don't write romance out of the story completely.

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