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In Soviet Russia, Contest Enters You





I just got back from staff training when I found one of the best emails I've ever received in my in-box from a certain Michael Petranek. Who's that, you ask? Well, wait and see. The message was entitled Bionicle Video Contest Entry and it read as follows:


Dear [sPIRIT],

We here at Papercutz really enjoyed your video that you sent in for submission. From the Yakov Smirnoff bit to the Family Guy style cutaways, it was very funny. Our only problem was that the video is a bit long. Could you edit it down to say, five minutes? We especially liked the bits with info from the comics. Please write me back when you get a chance. I'd love to discuss the video with you in greater detail.


As you may or may not remember, I entered the Mantax Facts PSA into the Papercutz video contest. So this email is EXTREMELY promising, as you can probably tell. The thing is, I'm not really sure what needs to stay in this movie as I trim it down. The songs will probably be the first things to go, but is there anything I should specifically save? I'd really appreciate your input. :)

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First, I have to say congratulations! And, to answer your question, some of my favorite parts were the Turaga Nuju/Matoro scene, the Soviet Nui joke, and Avak's x-ray vision gag. Those were hilarious! :)
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Wow! That's awesome! I do agree, that video was hilarious.


Wait! The songs were funny...But too long. Darn.


You should keep the Tahu/Tahnok part..and the part with Avak's X-ray vision and Hahli's mustache..I'm trying to recall all the things that happened! Was Soviet Russia part of the Mantax Facts PSA? Keep that..and of course the storyline-relevant stuff with Mantax..


I'll probably be back with more after I re-watch the PSA. Congrats!

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Like the others, I say that the songs should be the first things to go. No matter how good they are, they're too long to fit into the constraints.


Secondly, I suggest go through the topic and identify which bits everyone liked the least; prune those. From there, see what you have left and pick out any specific lines that aren't necessary. For instance, (*watches PSA*) the "O RLY" bit at the beginning should be removed, and the conversation where Lewa initially suggests a PSA should be whittled to the extent where it's merely this:


Mantax: So what's this great idea?

Lewa: So what we need to do is get people interested in you again. With a PSA, of course!


...Or something like that. ;)


Having said that, just five minutes is a mildly extreme length to cut it down to. :(

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you are so keeping Soviet Dume. Or else. And Matoro/ Nuju Scenes. Those were freaking hilarious! Takanuva has stay, as well as Avak. I dont really mind if Tahu goes, or the songs, (but they were funny, you have to admit) but nearly everything else has to stay.


Hey, make a dupe file, edit the stuff out, and post the edited vid on your flash library. MMK?]


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Congrats, SPIRIT!


I suggest you keep the Soviet Dume and Takanuva, Matoro/Nuju, Avak and Hahli, and Tahu and the Bohrok. If you can remove Silly Songs with Kopaka and It's a Wonderful World (to CONQUER), that should be enough to make it at least five minutes.



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Credits could also probably get cut down (making them into slides rather than rolling credits could also speed it up considerably, but at least for one chorus of Makuta's song :P). The production logos could probably also go. The reference to Chuck Norris could also get cut, as it would eliminate the Tahu/Bohrok gag at the same time. The same could be said for the Steve Irwin joke, which directly leads into Makuta's song. You could also cut down Nuju's spoken dialogue and just assume he's said as much as the captions say. :P Don't be afraid with the cuts, either; taking a lot of exposition actually doesn't hurt that much. The audience can usually figure things out.


On another note, congrats! Any idea if your cast will get to share a bit of the glory? :P


P.S. You think they'd allow you to have re-recorded dialogue for Vezok? I'd be glad to do so if you needed it.



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On another note, congrats! Any idea if your cast will get to share a bit of the glory? :P

You'll be in the credits and in my Oscar acceptance speech. :P


I've still got about 55 more seconds to shave off so we'll see what can be saved and what can't. I'm not sure when exactly Mr. Petranek wants the completed movie, but he did tell me to keep as much of the PSA story as possible, which means that at least one of the cutaways will probably end up being cut away entirely. :(

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