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My Dearest Coconuts,

ToM Dracone


I have a problem.


Lego has made a ton of absolutely stunning sets this year, nearly all of the most amazing in the expensive range, and I want all of them.


The Agents' Speedboat Rescue and Mobile Command Center, the Troll Warship, the Dwarves' Mine (hey, it introduced this year's theme), the enormous Castle Chess Set, the Mars Mission Crystal Reaper and Hypersonic Operations Aircraft, and of course Axalara, the Jetraces, and Rockoh (to a lesser degree than the former two, er, three).


And those are just naming the $40+ ones.


Whatever am I to do?

~ ToM


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Get a job. :P


Or perhaps you can sell some of your older LEGO models for cash?


Just some suggestions.



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Guest Cap'n Bionicle


You're a pirate. Steal them.



I would get the ones that will sell the fastest and that you want the most. Most of the time, summer canister sets last until spring of the next year, sometimes longer. I'm low on cash this year as well, so I'm only getting Takanuva and maybe two Mistika right off the bat, then I'll save up my money for the rest of the Mistika, and then abuse my present asking skills and request Axalara and Mazeka for Hannuka. :P


Or steal them.

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You're a pirate. Steal them.




That sounds familiar for some strange unfathomable reason… :rolleyes:

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Sales are good, especially those in the following year where $80 sets are about half-off. Jobs are good too, in this respect (and other applications of the same respect). :P


You're a pirate. Steal them.

I like this idea.

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You're a pirate. Steal them.

I like this idea.


I like that idea too. Unfortunately, that isn't really an option for me, because I left my skyship moored to a tree in my back yard, and now I can't get to it.


I'm waiting for a sale, meself. I mean, wait six months and poof, they're half off.


Because Axalara that nice little red Corvette's price tag is so @#%#@&*^% huge.


Dearest Coconuts?

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Find a realllllly good job. :|


2008 LEGO prices = ouch. ><




Yes, yes that is true.

I hope next years prices will begin anew.

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Find a realllllly good job. :|


2008 LEGO prices = ouch. ><




Yes, yes that is true.

I hope next years prices will begin anew.

$7 canister sets would be heavenly. :P

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Guest Cap'n Bionicle


First, you put the lime in the coconut, then drink it all up.





We're coconuts? :blink: You can sell us! 8D

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I was so excited when I found out it was two hundred, rather than three as I had first thought.

Maybe it'll go on sale. >_>

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I have this problem as well. For the first time in 2 years, I looked through the catalogue and drooled over several items.


My suggestion is, ask BR for a raise. XP


Yarr harr fiddledy dee! You are a pirate!! You are a pirate! ARR.

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Hey, I like the idea mentioned above--I've even thought of doing it-- make MOCs and sell them as custom sets (where e're you like). I think it could work quite well...Especially if you stock up on a bunch of the same parts and either 1) just mass produce some of the same MOCs or 2) make instructions and just sell the parts with the instructions (just like typical LEGO sets).


I think it would make you quite a bit of money--especially because of the cheap prices you can get Bionicle parts for...

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I've got the same dilemna with Takanuva, Mazeka, Axalara, Jetrax, and Rockoh.


Open a savings account and wait for 500 years to get . . . oh, I dunno, $5000000? Of course then the sets won't be sold anymore, so you can buy other things, like . . . a dinosaur!



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