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And The Champion Is...



Darth Vader!

I would like to explain a few things first. I realize that it appeared as if the duelists were tied in the last round, but due to and oversight on my part, Roa didn't actually get the last vote, and thus, DV was one vote over Roa! :o

On that note, I would like to present to DV his trophy :D ...


There you go! Originally, the trophy was a little shinier and it was all circular, the corners were transparent. Sadly, the process of saving it as a .jpg sortof ruined it. I had saved it as a .bmp, which kept the transparency, but BZP wouldn't let me use that extension. If anyone has any tips for me on saving transparent images that BZP can use, then please let me know. DV, I am sorry, but it's the best I could do. ;)

The purpose of the trophy is to place in your blog. If you are going to do that, then please place the following code into a new content blog (titled whatever you want) Here is the code:

(It links to the original MoCist Duels blog entry.) You don't have to use this, but I would really appreciate it if you did! :)

This was a very close contest, and was alot more exciting that way! :lol:

In the beginning, I was actually planning on reviewing all of the entries in detail, but I ran out of time and wasn't able to. Sorry. :(

I would like to thank all of you who participated; without you, this would have been impossible. :) I am planning on having another contest (another duel) starting in August. In the meantime, I want to know what you guys thought of the contest. Here are some questions that I would appreciate if you took the time to answer (specifically the duelists):

- Did you enjoy the contest?
- Would you like to see it take place again?
- What did you like/dislike about the contest?
- What would you have changed?
- How was my hosting of the contest?
- How did I do on the trophy?
- Do you have any suggestions for future contests?

Congrats DV! I enjoyed watching you and Roa duel! It was quite fun! :lol:

Also, I am sorry for making you have to build more Roa. :unsure: Even though we didn't finish the tie-breaker, here is Roa's MoC anyway:

A quote from Roa:

I present, a Kitu bird.

Kitu birds live over the surface of Onu-Kava. They pick through the grassy fields for whatever food they can find. This creation used 20 pieces, and 5 connectors. 100% legit, and cute to boot!

More pics:
back view
belly view
unfurling wings
back view with wings extended

Whew! I guess that wraps it up folks! And now, due to the fact that my stomach is growling for breakfast, I shall sign off for now! ^_^

Edit: I changed the trophy to .png



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Congrats, DV!



So, GBG, what happens now? Do we have another round of voting to determine the next contestants, or just take the two who got the most votes (not counting DV and Roa)?




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So, GBG, what happens now? Do we have another round of voting to determine the next contestants, or just take the two who got the most votes (not counting DV and Roa)?



No, I don't think that I shall conduct it that way. Yes, we shall have another voting for who are the next champion, but not now. I am not planning on having the next duel until August. I kindof want to take a break now, and on top of that, I have a hunch that BBCC #50 shall start up sometime soon... So to answer your question, nothing happens now. :P We congratulate the winner and I shall hopefully be doing some other things in my blog. :) I am planning on having another duel though, so don't fret! ;)



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Next time, for the file format, use gif or png, these save the quality a lot better than bmp or jpg.


Congrats DV! And Roa.


55555.gif 55555 55555.gif

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I can probably fix the award and make it a PNG.

Not now, maybe PM me later.

Congrats, DV, Roa.

And maybe you shouldn't have another one of these until the end of the month...

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Bah... Maybe the next one choose members that aren't entering BBCC 50? Or maybe people that haven't won a BBC in general but have to be nominated a couple times? I dunno, but the MoCists entering BBCC 50 will need all the time for their entries as possible and no blog contest would take away from that. =/
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If #50 entrants don't want to do this, then they can simply refrain from putting their names up for voting.
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I can probably fix the award and make it a PNG.


Not now, maybe PM me later.


Congrats, DV, Roa.


And maybe you shouldn't have another one of these until the end of the month...



Thanks, but I fixed it myself. :) And yeah, I don't plan on having another one until August.


Bah... Maybe the next one choose members that aren't entering BBCC 50? Or maybe people that haven't won a BBC in general but have to be nominated a couple times? I dunno, but the MoCists entering BBCC 50 will need all the time for their entries as possible and no blog contest would take away from that. =/

I didn't choose the members, the members chose the members! The MoCists who are entering BBCC #50 don't have to enter if they don't want to. However, if the majority of the really good MoCists are tied up in the contest, I might open the duel up to anyone who has gotten to the finals of a BBCC.


If #50 entrants don't want to do this, then they can simply refrain from putting their names up for voting.




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Bahh... I just annoyed because I haven't gotten to the Finals once while random members have. <<


Like me :P

I don't know, maybe you should hold off until August to start the next duel. On the other hand though, there are a lot of great MOCists that haven't won any prizes or anything (like Draco, or Blue Diamond).


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Like me :P

I don't know, maybe you should hold off until August to start the next duel. On the other hand though, there are a lot of great MOCists that haven't won any prizes or anything (like Draco, or Blue Diamond).


Actually, I am holding off until August for the next one. At least at the moment.


(or ER or Kopakalaka)


Anyways, is there anyway we can sign up for this?



Not at the moment, but I am going to post up another entry blog entry near the end of the month; at which time, if you have come in a finals place or won a LEGO Challenge, you can enter then. :)



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Congrats DV, and congrats to you too, Roa, for making it such an intresting contest.

However, if the majority of the really good MoCists are tied up in the contest, I might open the duel up to anyone who has gotten to the finals of a BBCC.

Yes, that sounds good.

Bahh... I just annoyed because I haven't gotten to the Finals once while random members have. <<

Like me? Hah.

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