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My Vacuum Is The Spawn Of Devils



It's just dumb. Let me list for you the attributes of it's unique awfulness:

  • If ever you shake/trip over it, dust and dirt will just fall out of the bottom.

It stinks. It shoots dust out of a grille on the front when activated. It's baglessness is a curse. The part where the dirt shoots into the holding container is smaller at the end, so it gets clogged, making the vacuum less effective. And it also makes a mess. Due to the stupid dust chute, whenever you detach the holding container to empty it, the is a neat little pile of dirt underneath it, and if there is the slightest breeze, it goes flying everywhere. It's freakin' hard to unscrew the top of the holding container, but if you succeed, the force of you jerking the container about sends dust everywhere. It is the spawn of satan.
There, I think that's a long enough list.


I can has ear infection? Yes. AND IT HUUUUURTS. There's green liquid dripping out of it... mucky...



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there is one thing that would truely make it satan-spawn... like my old vacuum's thirst for lego.


ear infections are no fun, had two of em last year... turned out to be mono :o

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there is one thing that would truely make it satan-spawn... like my old vacuum's thirst for lego.


ear infections are no fun, had two of em last year... turned out to be mono :o

Mono? >_>



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I wouldn't get paranoid, Bunda; I've had a fair amount of ear infections and never had mono. Still, ow.


Also, eeeeevil. Something must be Done to it.

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there is one thing that would truely make it satan-spawn... like my old vacuum's thirst for lego.


ear infections are no fun, had two of em last year... turned out to be mono :o

Mono? >_>





well i should elaborate, the "doctor" at the urgent-care thought it was an ear infection... when the amoxacilin he percribed didn't do anything he gave me a blood test. Wasn't really an ear infection.... and that's why i dont trust the urgent-care anymore.

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I wouldn't get paranoid, Bunda; I've had a fair amount of ear infections and never had mono. Still, ow.


Also, eeeeevil. Something must be Done to it.

I'm not paranoid. I don't even know what you're talking about. :P

I had an ear infection when I was really little.



All I can remember was icky medicine. :P

We're doing natural stuff... coloidial silver is what we're using now, and it's working.


But the first time I had it... ugh... I can still remember the smell of garlic... in my ear... not working so much... XD


The only thing that kept me sane the first time was Visorak's Gate, which I got while I had the infection.



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I got swimmer's ear twice when I went swimming too much in the same two weeks. O_o That's what the ear infections reminded me of...



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Aww, now I feel guilty about pestering you about an S@H purchase...



*Digital Get well soon card*

Wow, the only thing evil about my vacuum is the broken power switch.

As soon as I plug it in, it turns on.

...I feel stupid right now...

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Aww, now I feel guilty about pestering you about an S@H purchase...






*Digital Get well soon card*


Wow, the only thing evil about my vacuum is the broken power switch.


As soon as I plug it in, it turns on.


...I feel stupid right now...



Why would you feel guilty/stupid? I love to be pestered. :P


Seriously, Konta, get me down off my high horse. XD


Don't be sorry at all. PMs are fun. :)


And would you reply to that second-to-last comment I left you...?



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That sounds vaguely like the dorms vacuums... blasted things.


By that, I mean the spawn of Satan, not the ear infection. Hope you get over it. :)



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I have never had an ear infection. Hopefully I never will.


Of course, just because I said that, I'll probably get one by next week.


Also, my vacuum = better than yours.


- :l: :flagcanada:

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