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The Lost Comedy: Need For Speed - Proto

Takuma Nuva


Wow, only one entry posted and already I've got a four-star blog! :o Thanks, everybody! :baaa:


Second day, second entry. Since I want to save some more juicy entries for later down the line when my blog (hopefully) gains more popularity, I'll make this entry about that one comedy I never posted. That's right, Need For Speed - Proto. Shortly after starting "Toast Busters" I was going to write a multi-post comedy based on the then latest NFS video game: Need For Speed Carbon. Well, I never ended up following through with it, but I did get most of the first chapter done. Well, actually it's more of a prologue. Anyways, I post said unfinished chapter prologue for your enjoyment. Note that this is back when my comedy skills weren't as refined...







(Large Toa walks in)


Narrator: Oh no, don't tell me--


ToPPSM: Don't tell you what?


Narrator: You're one of those Toa that plagued that other comedy!


ToPPSM: Huh? You must mean my cousins! ToLP, LToII, and ToLC!


Narrator: I don't care what "tolp" your "lotii"s decide to "tolc" to! Who are you?!


ToPPSM: I'm the Toa of Preposterous Public Service Messages!


Narrator: Is that anything like a Board Message?


ToPPSM: Well, let's put things into perspective, shall we? If you were to say that a Board Message is like Hapori Tofu...


Narrator: "Tofu"?


ToPPSM: Then a Public Service Message would be like a slice of rubber cheesecake!


Narrator: I don't get it... :blink:


Toa Zaxvo: No! No emoticons!


Narrator: Besides, why are we talking in script? This is going to be done with narration!


ToPPSM: So? What's wrong with having a prologue in script?


Narrator: It's too cliché! Everybody starts a narrative with script!


ToPPSM: What's wrong with clichés?


Clichés are cool,

Clichés are fun!

I love clichés,

They taste like gum!


Narrator: Well I don't care! Unfortunately, it's too late to turn back now. Why exactly are you here anyways?


ToPPSM: To give a Public Service Message!




To anyone who reads this but mostly for those who don't, please acknowledge the following message before reading this comedy. Though there are the basic factions of heroes and villains, the protagonist and his colleagues will be performing actions that are highly illegal and not appoved by B.O.T.T.L.E.S. (Better Obey The The Law, Earthlings {Sorry about the double "the"}). Unlawful racing should not be attempted under any circumstances*. Do not buy/sell rahi illegally or walk outside between 13:00 AM and PIE o' clock PM while wearing a Donald Trump Toupee. Always wear your seat belt except in the event that your rahi doesn't have one as is the case with all rahi. Do not go at speeds that break the sound barrier or you will be forced to fix it. If the old lady on the ussal in front of you is moving too slowly, do not pick them up and deposit them in a dumpster full of unused Goo-B-Gone Toast Spread jars. Simply find an alternate route or play your music really loud. If you're lucky, she'll start jammin' on that air guitar and won't notice that you forgot to wash behind your ears as you pass her by. Obey the laws of your local Metru and you'll be just fine. Thank You.


*Unless you're wearing a chicken costume while beating on your noggin with twinkies and singing "The Buffalo Song" in chinese. Gracias.


Narrator: Wow...


ToPPSM: Whaddaya think?


"I think I'm sick and tired of talking in script!" said the Narrator. "Wait a minute," he continued, "If I'm the Narrator, who's the one narrating?"


ToPPSM: Are you okay?


"No!" the Narrator blurted, "My psychologist told me I should stop talking to myself..."


ToPPSM: Well I like script!


"I don't care!" the now infuriated Narrator screamed. With that, he kicked the Toa out into the street, seeing as there were no roads around. He then regained his composure.


No that we've gotten things in their place, I should introduce to you the cast of characters and who they'll be playing as.







Recommended Comments

I think that :blink: is a concise summary of that story. :P






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I think ToPPSM may have driven the poor narrator insane... :lol:


That was an excellent point, about how you don't need to fasten your seatbelt if you don't have one.


Ooh! Dlakii reminded me!







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"I don't get it...No seriously. I didn't exactly understand most of this chapter prologue. But that Public Service Message was pretty funny! Script shall rule the world!
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I think ToPPSM may have driven the poor narrator insane... :lol:


That was an excellent point, about how you don't need to fasten your seatbelt if you don't have one.


Ooh! Dlakii reminded me!








Uh, you might want to compact your approval a bit. His approval box has sprung a leak because of it. :P

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Uh, you might want to compact your approval a bit. His approval box has sprung a leak because of it. :P

Warning! Area 51 has sprung a deadly pit mutagen leak! All available forces move in on Hahli Mahri!




Hmm . . . needs oregano.


deadpool_smilie_right.png Deadpool :voyanui:

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Uh, you might want to compact your approval a bit. His approval box has sprung a leak because of it. :P

Warning! Area 51 has sprung a deadly pit mutagen leak! All available forces move in on Hahli Mahri!




Hmm . . . needs oregano.


deadpool_smilie_right.png Deadpool :voyanui:


Ooh, ooh! I'm an available force! :bigsmile:






Waitasec... I'm confused. The original comment didn't contain the oregano comment, yet it's there without me adding it. :???:

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I don't even know if this blog is safe if it's full of Pit mutagen. We might all end up looking like Nocturn. Or Kalmah. Or all of the Barraki combined with all of the mutated Piraka.... :blink:


That's an odd prologue. And I'll be sure to stay away from the Toa of Board Messages. That's the most evil power in the known universe.

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I don't even know if this blog is safe if it's full of Pit mutagen. We might all end up looking like Nocturn. Or Kalmah. Or all of the Barraki combined with all of the mutated Piraka.... :blink:


That's an odd prologue. And I'll be sure to stay away from the Toa of Board Messages. That's the most evil power in the known universe.


Great! I've always wanted... tentacles... sticking out of... my skull... never mind. :lol:


I blew him up on my way here. And it's something of a Davy Jones situation. :evilgrin:

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