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Wyrd Bid Ful Araed


If there is anyody readin this with a little sister, please tell me they annoy the heck out of you...

Mine is a menace


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I have a little brother, although we get along (relatively) fine.


I'd say it depends how old she is. Because siblings tend to be more irritating the bigger an age difference there is between you and them...



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I have two older sisters and an older brother... Littlest of the family. My youngest sister, who is still older than me, can get quite irritating at times.

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My sister is four and a quarter year younger than me, which puts her at ten. She's all right, but has an annoying habit of coming into my room unannounced and refusing to leave.


It's nice to hear that little sisters are just as annoying when they're teenagers. :/

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Know what to do?


Get them a boyfriend. XD

But then there'll be two of them! :cry:


I'm afraid Sets_ that you have many of what some people (ie, not me) might call 'fun-filled' years ahead of you...

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Yeah, but you get your parents undivided attention

He's 18. He got kicked out.


And if you're single, thne they will mercilessly grill you over anything...


Oh, when she brings her boyfriend over, then be as scary as possible. Big brothers and fathers are the natural predators of the boyfriend.

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Yeah, but you get your parents undivided attention

He's 18. He got kicked out.


And if you're single, thne they will mercilessly grill you over anything...


Oh, when she brings her boyfriend over, then be as scary as possible. Big brothers and fathers are the natural predators of the boyfriend.

Am I?

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Well, that's usually in general. Of course, the diseased, ailing, weakened lion that had its teeth fall out can't really hunt, can it? And if it can't hunt, then it's not much of a predator, is it?

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Fine. I'll take her out in the meantime.

Wait, considering that she's related to you and thus, looks like you--kinda--FORGET IT.

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Actually she barely looks a thing like me. The similarity between us is the fact that our hair gets darker as we get older. Hers has gone from blonde to dark brown, and mine's practically black



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