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I Feel Really Really Stupid Right Now



So today's my last day here, right? So I was packing.


And I got a call from someone I know in the same program and she's like "hey are you packing?" and I'm like "yeah" and then at some point she mentions the time and I glance at my clock and I'm like "5:40" and then that reminds me of my cell phone (since I'm always checking my phone for the time when I'm out) so I glance at my desk and I'm like "huh, where's my cell phone?"


It doesn't hit me for a FULL MINUTE. I'm like saying out loud "Hmm, I don't think I packed it..." and she's like "Umm..."


D'oh. D'oh d'oh d'oh. Wow. So stupid.




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It's like driving and wondering where your car keys are.


Or eating a banana and wondering where the banana is.


Or cutting down a tree and wondering if you left your chainsaw back home.





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Oh come now everyone has their little moments. :P

Fine... It happened to me with the remote control...


But that was years ago!



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