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A Little Bit Of Everything.

Kevin Owens




So I recently started driving by myself. Yesterday was my third day doing it alone. Driving with your parents = Kinda Scary. Driving with yourself = Really scary Having control of the radio = Awesome. So it’s a mixed bag really.


Also, we got some new yellow not-really-latex yellow latex gloves for work. It’s like skin tight and compared to out old baggy plastic ones, it’s really weird. Because when you wear the old ones, you can’t actually feel anything. However with the latex ones, it’s like you’re not wearing gloves. You get to feel the raw chicken it all of its cold gooey salmonella goodness. Feels like I’m wearing nothing at all!


Also, making a new CD to listen to in the car. I’m taking suggestions. Right now I have Mona Lisa Overdrive by Juno Reactor and Moskau by Denghis Kahn. Willing to listen to pretty much anything.


A girl left work today for roughly a year to go to school at UTK. I’m going to miss her. Amazing worker and really, really funny. At least she’ll be back next year.


Also, watching some more anime. Also taking suggestions there. I’m halfway through Code Geass after which I plan on watching Strike Witches. Willing to watch anything yet again.


Oh yeah. We got a new CD player at work. We’ve had our old one for like five years and even if there’s just a tiny scratch on it, it won’t play. Anyway this dude that listens to all those hardcore metals brings in his iPod and iPod adaptors and I ask him to give us something hardcore. So he plays blue by Eiffel 65. I raged hard.


Also, going to hang out with a good friend of mine. We’re going to see Macbeth at the local college. I LOVE Macbeth. Awesome play and I can’t wait to see it in real life. I’m pumped. After that we’re going to go jam at Guitar Center. After that we’ll go to his church . Don’t expect me to be on a lot today. Busy, busy, busy.


I’m currently making a Bionicle Mary-Sue litmus test for both Rping and Epics. If you have anything you hate seeing in a role playing character or an epic character let me know and I’ll add it to the list.


Also, I’ve got a MOC sitting around that I need to post. Possibly sometime late tomorrow.


Picked up The Orange Box yesterday for the PC. I have it for the PS3, but consoles are awful for FPSs so I got it for the PC. I’ll post my steam account name for those who want to go head to head on TF2. BONK!


Speaking of which, my PSN account name is Wracky Top for those who want to go head to head on TF2 for the PS3 or Soul Calibur 4. Be warned, I play a mean Talim/Siegfried/Astaroth combo.


You know what I hate? Fat people with nose/lip piercing. I don’t know what it is specifically, but the combo really grosses me out.


Also, I really like it when people PM me out of the blue and I have random conversations with them. So if you’re ever bored drop me a PM and we’ll chat. No worries, I don’t bite. =P


And that’s it for now! I’ll see you guys later!


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Also, I really like it when people PM me out of the blue and I have random conversations with them. So if you’re ever bored drop me a PM and we’ll chat. No worries, I don’t bite. =P


Why not MSN... ;_;

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Feels like I’m wearing nothing at all!


*searches Exo's maj for image of Ned Flanders in skisuit*


Edit: found it.


Main reason I put that there. Thanks for getting the reference.


Also, I really like it when people PM me out of the blue and I have random conversations with them. So if you’re ever bored drop me a PM and we’ll chat. No worries, I don’t bite. =P


Why not MSN... ;_;

Because I don't support evil Microsoft. =P

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We’re going to see Macbeth at the local college. I LOVE Macbeth. Awesome play and I can’t wait to see it in real life. I’m pumped. After that we’re going to go jam at Guitar Center. After that we’ll go to his church . Don’t expect me to be on a lot today. Busy, busy, busy.
You said the word! Bad luck! Bad luck!


I’m currently making a Bionicle Mary-Sue litmus test for both Rping and Epics. If you have anything you hate seeing in a role playing character or an epic character let me know and I’ll add it to the list.
Do we do this here? Because I hate it when non-telepaths miraculously seem to read people's minds and know what they're thinking/planning <.<
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I’m currently making a Bionicle Mary-Sue litmus test for both Rping and Epics. If you have anything you hate seeing in a role playing character or an epic character let me know and I’ll add it to the list.
Do we do this here? Because I hate it when non-telepaths miraculously seem to read people's minds and know what they're thinking/planning <.<

It's more of a "If you have the following characteristics/backstory you might be a sue" test.

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