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Jonas Brothers Fan Club

Takuma Nuva




While I was working last night I was asking everybody if they were excited about the new Jonas Brothers Album "A Little Bit Longer" coming out tomorrow. Pretty much nobody there even listened to the Jonas Brothers. I felt rather . . . alone?


In any event, this inspired me to start a Jonas Brothers Fan Club since I've always wanted to do a club which can't be done without a blog. I'm not entirely sure how many Jonas Brothers fans there will be on BZPower, but there's only one way to find out, right?


So, if you like the Jonas Brothers and want to show your JB Pride, I've rigged up a bunch of avatars and banners for you to use.


So, we'll see how this goes. Maybe the club will be an utter failure. If that's the case, I'll just look like a fool. But we can all use a little humility every now and then to keep us in check, right?


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Takuma Nuva

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


Blade Titan974







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For those of you who have not yet bought the CD, it might interest you to know that Target has a 2-Disc Special Edition with an additional track on the CD (Hello Goodbye) and a DVD with "JB Rules" and live performances of S.O.S., Burnin' Up, and This Is Me (with Demi Lovato)!


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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Thats nice. If only we HAD Target here... <_<


Well, my brother probably has already heard that song (And I think I did). I may have already seen the performances on Disney Channel, but those may be different. The JB Rules one is new though.


And I can't put a Jonas Brothers Fan club thing on yet because I need to go soon...

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I'm actually not sure what "JB Rules" is. It's something on the DVD I haven't had a chance to check out yet. And Hello Goodbye is the song you always hear in Target commercials these days.


EDIT: Now that I've had time to watch the DVD, I can say it was well worth the extra four dollars! "JB Rules" is a hilarious fifteen-minute video about the ten Jonas Brothers "Do's and Don't's". The live music videos are from the Disney Channel Games. Go Comets!


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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I'll join, shame I can't get the CD though, they don't sell them down under, but they have their songs on the radio HEAPS!

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