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Mask Packs



Greg mentioned that mask packs could return for 2010 or 2011.



Can someone provide a Greg quote?

Next we'll find out Purple will be reintroduced!

Scrolls... masks... villages... man, the next story arch is looking AWESOME.



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:o :D :lol: :happydance: :alert: :satisfied: :happy: :bigsmile: :br: :drooling: (Never uesed that many emotes before...)


PLEASE PROVE THAT CORRECT! I've only gotten the pack that came with Krana and a Gold/Silver Mata Mask (Is that a mask pack?). I. Want. A. Mask. Pack. Now.


Prove it people!


(Sorry, but when I saw this, I nearly exploded. But, this might mean...)

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:o :D :lol: :happydance: :alert: :satisfied: :happy: :bigsmile: :br: :drooling: (Never uesed that many emotes before...)


PLEASE PROVE THAT CORRECT! I've only gotten the pack that came with Krana and a Gold/Silver Mata Mask (Is that a mask pack?). I. Want. A. Mask. Pack. Now.


Prove it people!


(Sorry, but when I saw this, I nearly exploded. But, this might mean...)

Those are mask packs. :)


Personally I only got a few. Most of my masks I gained from trades and other online stores.



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Superduperwhoopiedeedaydancethingy! :lol: Bunda, where did you get this info? Not only on the masks, but also about the scrolls and stuff...


I am really starting to look forward to '09! Bring it on!


Oh, and I just recently took a look at the new "Brick Journal" on BS01, and I saw a thing in the very back on the "Clans". Does anyone know what this is about?



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I think it's just Bioran23 being silly, but it could be a BOS1 thing...

Or, it could be an ad... Ask Bioran23.

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Am I, like, the only one that saw the topic O.o?


Not any of the new ones, the old one. The petition topic. Actually it was a topic about collectibles in general, not specifically the packs.


Search "help bring collectibles" in Collectibles and you'll find it - it's the one called "Help Me Bring Back The Collectibles" with 2300-some replies. You can't it.


That's where Greg said there's hope for collectibles in 2010 or 11.


- :l: :flagcanada:

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Thank you!


I mena today I was like, :wakeup2: , and then I went to baby-sit, :angry: , and then I had to set up a camp site, :wacko: , and now I'n like :tohu: :D :P :)



-zee :tohu:

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Am I, like, the only one that saw the topic O.o?


Not any of the new ones, the old one. The petition topic. Actually it was a topic about collectibles in general, not specifically the packs.


Search "help bring collectibles" in Collectibles and you'll find it - it's the one called "Help Me Bring Back The Collectibles" with 2300-some replies. You can't it.


That's where Greg said there's hope for collectibles in 2010 or 11.


- :l: :flagcanada:




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