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Consideration In Posting

Lady Kopaka


Seriously guys. Read this. Please?


Bumped, cause I feel this needs to be heard again. I know this is a long entry, but it was very hard to try to squeeze this important subject any shorter. This is so much more important I think, than those silly random blog entries. Please take your time to read this.


As of the past few weeks, I’ve finally have found time to go around the art forum and really devote some time to it. But, there is something I’d like to talk about. First, this really has nothing to do with me. Though, I am very much concerned about the well being of other artists...or well, anyone who works on creative stuff (writing, MoCing, etc). Before I start this lecture, I may state this is just out of opinions and I am not trying to challenge the ‘look and leave’ issue. You have a right to post where you want or when to just look and leave. And for another thing, if you don’t even go to GA, please don’t feel pressured to do this. Nevertheless this issue has been bugging me for some time.


When I joined [2005] and made my first art topic, I got a lot of nice posts. It wasn’t a big hot topic, but people were kind enough to really encourage my art on BZP, by friendly critique or just a simple comment. Without those people who did that, you probably would not see as much art as I do today. Maybe I could be wrong, but I felt back then artists felt more respected. I’m not saying as in any sort of popularity, but simply they got decent posts and just some sense of reverence. I think this problem has always been around and I may sound like I'm exaggerating the issue...but still, bear with me.


It seems more people squander time with the people who really don’t try with art and then the people who truly strive don’t get much attention at all. These counts with both the talented artists and the new ones who are struggling to learn and improve. I’m not trying to be mean to certain people; but really, it’s getting a bit ridiculous. What you do could greatly affect a person’s esteem about art, MoCing, writing, or any other creative activities. If you rather want to post and comment about a five minute MSPaint drawing, that’s fine I guess. Just try to be a bit considerate to the artists who work hard or at least wanting to get better. They are the ones you should focus at and give care.


Also, when I begin to notice our veterans and popular artists are not getting decent posts anymore…we have a problem.


I’d like to clearly address the type of artists you should regard:

  • The Newbies: Just because a drawing may not be up to standards of marvelous talent doesn’t mean the artists is lazy and purposely terrible. People don’t become artists in one day; it takes years and years of never-ending practice. So if you see a person who said they are working hard on something and they are not getting many posts—do them a favor and help them out. Just because their art may not be as talented doesn’t makes them lazy or terrible, they just need help and practice.

    Remember this important quote Hahli Husky posted in her blog awhile back: "Good artists are the terrible artists who never gave up."

  • Veteran Artists: Now, the larger artists on BZP (I feel) have just as much trouble surprisingly. Sure their art may be awesome, but if they continue not to get any comments and encouragement, they slow on their art or stop all together. They feel their art isn’t good enough or it’s a waste of time to bother showing the art here. Our fellow BZP artists work HARD on their art for their enjoyment and to entertain you guys—you could at least repay by giving them by a friendly comment or review.
In short, try to tell the difference from people who really are not respecting the meaning of the art forum (or art itself), and then the ones who are really putting some effort into their stuff. Either old or new.


[Note: I seem to keep contradicting myself, but even though I said give focus to the people who put a lot of effort in their art (This is the top priority), there isn’t anything wrong with commenting a drawing someone drew quickly. I and other artists have drawn quickies that we are proud of, or possibly a draft/WIP that the artist needs opinions on. Either way, just try your best to tell when someone needs a comment, and when it does best to ignore some of the imprudent ones.]


To the people who will tell me “Well I can’t give good reviews” or “I’m not good at pointing out critique”… that’s okay. I know I may sound a bit contradicting to Nikira’s ‘How To Review’, but don’t feel pressured to give the artists an amazing review. As long as you don’t sound immature, rude, or spammy, you should be fine. While most artists appreciate long reviews, they still should understanding toward the members with less of the flair to give a long review. All the artists wants is help on improvement and just to know he/she is noticed. No matter, still try your best at reviewing though. (Read Nikira's review help for how-to)


Now I may be confusing the meaning of this a bit. It’s true most people seek attention, but in a humble sense I don’t mean they want to get bragged on or feel all conceited (Even though we still enjoy a good ole' ego boost). Simply put, what if you worked really hard on something, posted, and then no one commented? It hurts, doesn’t it? We can never really cleanse this issue away from BZP, but you can help just a bit by encouraging a friend time to time or thinking twice before you post somewhere. Where you could be posting in a large GD topic where most posts are ignored, you could give a just as quick comment in the art, writing or MoC section and really encourage a member in their work.


And hey, if you start to take the time to comment other peoples work; your chances will double about receiving more comments in your own topics. Speaking of which, if someone gives you a nice review in your topic, return the favor if you can and review something of theirs. It's a nice thing to do.


I just felt this needed to be pointed out. I’m not pressuring people to post or make you feel guilty. In fact if you’re not really into the whole creative division, don’t worry about it. But this is focused toward the people who do go there or are getting back there. In no way am I trying to be impolite; I’d just like people to understand this problem.


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Good advice.


I'm horrible at reviewing anything, and when I do I try my upmost not to be a noob. :P




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Guest kopakanuva13


I should go review some art right now ^^

I've actually been trying to post in Artwork topics that seem like effort was put into them, it's kinda unfair, IMO, how people with really awesome art can get only one or two comments in their topics while small, funny or spammy pictures or sigpet topics or topics in places like the comics forum where there are topics with over ten pages of comments ><

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Huh, I was planning to make something on this same vein last night. O_o

But yes, I agree. I usually only post in people's MOC topics if they show promise. :)

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I agree, well I'm not in the art forum as much as I once was *commenting wise, my scanner is a piece of junk so I can't post things I am proud of* Perhaps I should think about going back into that forum and do just as you suggested.


I like this idea, and helping someone out by handing out a review would be a great way to spend some of my extra time ^_^

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While I may be a hypocrite in saying this, I agree with what you are saying. I rarely post in the Art forums (Let me rephrase that, I rarely post.) and my drawing topics acquire many more posts than they deserve, yet people who do put their time into what they do seldom get the appreciation they worked for. And it really shouldn't work like that. But there really is very little that can, or will, be done, unfortunately.



But dangit, it's so much easier to post a "lulz" in one of those hilarious, created-in-thirty-seconds, cut and paste topics that seem to plague said topic last I visited...



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IMO, I wonder what makes the difference from the spammy stuff and the decent art. Does it take some sort of special energy to bother posting in the art topics? I really can't comprehend how the most talented stuff can get overlooked by random quickies. Sometimes they can be funny or entertaining... but still, I can't figure it. :P
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I don't make art topics and review only by request, so I can't say very much on this matter, but I do agree that the artist's position in this community is slightly losing it's luster.



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I have felt that way for a long time, LK. You just put it into words for me.

Also, thank you for writing this, as it gives me something to show my little brother. He has an artist's heart, but not the proper hand-eye coordination for the job. I try to tell him that he needs to practice to get better, but of course, since I am his older sibling, he wouldn't listen to me if I payed him to. :P

Maybe hearing it from someone else will open his mind; especially to this quote: "Good artists are the terrible artists who never gave up." - HH


Thanks for the help you unwittingly gave me. Now, I go to check out your new art.




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I have felt that way for a long time, LK. You just put it into words for me.

Also, thank you for writing this, as it gives me something to show my little brother. He has an artist's heart, but not the proper hand-eye coordination for the job. I try to tell him that he needs to practice to get better, but of course, since I am his older sibling, he wouldn't listen to me if I payed him to. :P

Maybe hearing it from someone else will open his mind; especially to this quote: "Good artists are the terrible artists who never gave up." - HH


Thanks for the help you unwittingly gave me. Now, I go to check out your new art.



I was happy to help out. Everyone needs a lil' of that encouragment. Tell your brother I had terrible hand-eye coordination when I first started drawing too (err I still do...? xD), he shouldn't give up, because no matter what HH's quote says, if you practice hard enough and don't give up, you will improve. :)

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I have a terrible excuse...I haven't been to art forum in ages. Back when I was into comics I use to visit and see the artwork too..but...now I'm not even into comics.


I should start visiting that forum again. Maybe some artists there are the new Mout, Raka, LK, ETC.

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Of course it also applies to everything else on BZP. And it happens in all places in life. But hey, just like everything, a little bit can go a long way.

That being said by me, of the Hypocritical Club...



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I'm not very good at making reviews....and I can't say I have the best art, but I always get around some time or other in the art topics....I just tend to leave the smaller comments that I feel the artists don't really care to hear....but even though my art kinda stinks I usually get a few replies at least. :D Anyway, I have noticed that people don't get the compliments they deserve, and when people even bother posting in an art topic at all, it's a often something ripping on their art. I think people need to start looking into how much effort was put into a pic, and how hard they tried to do their best, and just give them some friendly advice. Anyway, I hope your entry encourages better feedback for the artists on BZP, and thank you for posting this entry, Lady K! :)


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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Guys, it’s totally okay if you don’t go to the art forum. If that’s not your usual spot on bzp, don’t worry about it or feel pressured to get back there and post. But to the people who do go there normally or the ones who would like to get back, I made this lecture entry for those people. Also like I said in the entry, it’s fine if you can’t make long reviews—artists still really appreciate almost any feedback. :)


I should start visiting that forum again. Maybe some artists there are the new Mout, Raka, LK, ETC.

Shark, pardon my bluntness but that sounds a bit offending. In this entry I made it very clear to not only give some attention to the newer artists, but to respect the older ones to. Those veteran artists deserve posts just as much as anyone. If any reason why they don’t post new art is because people seem to ignore their stuff half the time.

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I volunteer LK to be the first one to go and follow out on her word.*

I will go second, as not to be a hypocrite.

*Dangit, she already is. >>


um, I seldom go into the art forum, and when i do, I am bombarded by topics that make me think and encourage advanced brain functions. I am new to this, what do you call it, "thinking," game thing, so if you have any tips for me and other members who 'think' like me, please share

i normally hang out in the comedies, where i am treated with 30+ posts for my 250 word brainpoops

sometimes i go into the sets forum where i tell people that tahu is awsum and they should stop hating on his because their opinions suck

but for some reason i cant figure out, when i go to the art forum there are some topics that confuse me, such as uncle k's stamina topic, or kanta's dissection topic and lk's human topic

i don't like human bionicles because it is different and things i am not used to anger and confuse me, so i will post telling her that human bionicles "sux"

i don't want to read all of uk's post so i will just look at the picture and give him a 8/10 because i dont like the subject matter/or i am confused about something in the piece

kanta's topic is weird because there is only one part colored and all my doodlespictures are scribbledcolored

like siriusly, posting is hard

and so i am not going to

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Guys, it’s totally okay if you don’t go to the art forum. If that’s not your usual spot on bzp, don’t worry about it or feel pressured to get back there and post. But to the people who do go there normally or the ones who would like to get back, I made this lecture entry for those people. Also like I said in the entry, it’s fine if you can’t make long reviews—artists still really appreciate almost any feedback. :)


I should start visiting that forum again. Maybe some artists there are the new Mout, Raka, LK, ETC.

Shark, pardon my bluntness but that sounds a bit offending. In this entry I made it very clear to not only give some attention to the newer artists, but to respect the older ones to. Those veteran artists deserve posts just as much as anyone. If any reason why they don’t post new art is because people seem to ignore their stuff half the time.

Didn't mean offending. I meant maybe in time I haven't visited the Art Forum some of the new artists may be that skilled, and some new artists as of now may be on their way and I should go and check it out. (Which I did yesterday, I had only little time to check out few, but 3d art has gotten popular it seems)


For some reason I still feel like I said that in the wrong way. >> Hopefully you got my point though. :\

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Guest kopakanuva13


This blog entry just got me a few extra posts, I think :blink:



Lol, me too :-P

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This blog entry just got me a few extra posts, I think :blink:



Lol, me too :-P

That’s great guys! I hope this is working out. But remember to help do your part to and give some reviews yourselves to help continue the cycle. :)

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Well, I know I'm not much of a reviewer at all, but I do comment on nearly everything in the GA forum, usually with a compliment and a small piece of advice. Is that good, d'you think?


-Nuju Metru

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I think you are right and I agree with you.


I myself am a terrible reviewer and I usually don't post in the newbie topics. Now, that does sound harsh and propably makes me seem like a hypocrite when people look back and remember that I was the newbie in 2006.

I simply don't post because I don't know what to say, except that which the others either have already pointed out or what the artists know themselves. Plus I don't want to seem patronizing.


On the other hand, I know it sucks to get no replies.

Espescially if you already have 20 views on the topic, but no posts.

Not a great feeling.


I guess what my suggestion as result from these experiences is, is that posts should be kept friendly and useful. Short or long is more a secondary thing.

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Sure I get discouraged to draw Bionicle stuff on BZP, but the Iron Man soundtrack is just too good. xB


Anyhow, I guess it's pretty difficult to me to comment on other people's art without being really blunt about the flaws. ._.

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Sure I get discouraged to draw Bionicle stuff on BZP, but the Iron Man soundtrack is just too good. xB


Anyhow, I guess it's pretty difficult to me to comment on other people's art without being really blunt about the flaws. ._.


I wouldn't say being blunt is necessarily a bad thing, just so long as you aren't to harsh about it. And are also sure to point out things you like about it as well.

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I think it has to do with comcis and art being separated, as people would find art as they browse for comics, and vice versa.


both have gone unpopular recently. Seems they need each other.

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