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Over the years, I feel it's become less fascinating.


Back in the day I relied on the promos to tell me when things came out. Heck, I didn't know about the Bohrok until I saw them on a shelf in a toy store. I truly wondered what they did and what they were. From the back of the package it looked like they had two masks even (faceplate and Krana). I didn't know how they worked until I saw a commercial.


Even the story held some mystery.


Now I'm a member on several BIONICLE sites and I know almost everything, and I know about sets long before they are released. I am also much older, so I'm able to comprehend more.


But most of the loss can be attributed to stuff like BS01, BZP, and Brickshelf. Any potential surprises are made publicly viewable for thousands before anyone has a chance to find out.


In order to preserve BIONICLE's mystic feel, steps must be taken.


It's simple: kill the Batman.



Wait, no that's not it.


In order to preserve the magic, we must destroy the internet.




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...Bfahome tried to kill the Brickshelf, but the Brickshelf had its waaayy...


Alternatively, you could unlearn to read. That way, spoilers would never reach your ears.



I hate "The Metal" so very much...


And Necro, I remember Life on Mars! I LOVED those sets!

....Roman Soldier Dude tried to hate the Metal, bu the Metal said "No way".....

Ah, Life on Mars. I had almost all of them...



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I know what you mean...I get the comics late, and so while innocently browsing I came upon a guy who said 'R.I.P. Matoro' or something like that, and I was all "Whaaaat Matoro dies?!" and it was completely spoiled for me.




Let's overthrow Bill Gates. Not only can we destroy the 'net, but we can take all his money! Double bonus!xD


Actually, no, I'd lose all contact with some of my buddehs if you destroyed the internet. I do remember the Life on Mars stuff...it could eat Mars Mission for breakfast.





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I'd like them to have a Space-themed year soon. The setting would be in space, the heroes would look kinda like astronauts, and the villans could be really-awesome looking aliens or something.


But then everyone would be all like "MARS MISSION RIPOFF LOL"






And all Mars Mission is is a ripoff of Life on Mars. :P



Eh, I remember. I didn't like them too much.

We were liek, "We're going to kill you", and you were liek NOO WAY.... That was great.




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I'd like them to have a Space-themed year soon. The setting would be in space, the heroes would look kinda like astronauts, and the villans could be really-awesome looking aliens or something.


But then everyone would be all like "MARS MISSION RIPOFF LOL"






And all Mars Mission is is a ripoff of Life on Mars. :P



Eh, I remember. I didn't like them too much.





But yes, we must steal the self-destruct code to the internets from Al Gore. Then we will have to use Morse Code for everything.


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Brickshelf does a pretty good job on it's own of going down...


Just stop browsing. If you're not looking for anything, you won't find anything. If you want no information on anything, just stick to the official Lego forums. I actually came to BZP the first time because I wanted to find out what was true and what wasn't about the Kal.



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No! You can't destroy the interwebz! This is what spoiler tags are for! And don't look up sets you don't want to see! If you don't want to see spoilers, just avoid them, it's not like you can't.



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I'd like them to have a Space-themed year soon. The setting would be in space, the heroes would look kinda like astronauts, and the villans could be really-awesome looking aliens or something.


But then everyone would be all like "MARS MISSION RIPOFF LOL"






And all Mars Mission is is a ripoff of Life on Mars. :P



Eh, I remember. I didn't like them too much.





But yes, we must steal the self-destruct code to the internets from Al Gore. Then we will have to use Morse Code for everything.


If it preserves the mistical feeling of BIONICLE™, I'll deal with morse code. Now all we need is that Self-Destruct code...

Also, Mars Mission = Lame rehash of Life on Mars. I was missing only one set from them. ;_;

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Before, Lego was like "WAHAHA oh this mystery? We'll reveal it bit by bit, if we have to, we guess!"


Now they seem to be saying "This is so and so and this is their entire life's story. They killed these people, joined this alliance, love biking, and enjoy long walks on the beach at sunset."

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If we destroyed the internet, how would we talk to people on BZP? Messinger pigions?


The Passenger Pigeon used in WW2 is now extinct. Go look on Wikipedia.


:c: :l: :3: :8:

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*Blows away Batman*


Hey, the internet didn't vanish.


Yes, I remember.... Back when I saw a Zaktan and thought "Hey, what's that funky launcher thing?" That was how my first six years of Bionicle were. Now... Lessee... 2009.... Okay, evil dudes kill good dude or something, another good dude kills evil dudes. And all of the sets are known by December 08.

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LIFE ON MARS FOREVER! Take that, Mars Mission! XD


Yeah, to get to the main point of this blog entry, it's so true. I can't help it if one day I'm just browsing Brickshelf, checking out new folders as usual, when suddenly my eye falls upon a folder name: "2009_PIX_LOL" (note: this folder name probably does not actually exist). One hand races to cover my eyes, the other races to press Alt+Left, but it's too late; the damage is done, and I have seen the thumbnail above the name "2009_PIX_LOL", and I know what at least one of next year's sets are.


That's the sets. Then there's the storyline. I'm just hanging out on BZPower in mid-November, waiting for my comic to arrive, when suddenly my eyes fall upon a member whose signiture is "RIP MATORO WE'LL MISS YOU!" Although I had been suspecting Matoro's death, I hadn't received the comic yet, so it had not been confirmed. And yet, just like that, the surprise was ruined. It was only luck that I read the respective Federation of Fear chapters minutes before seeing the "RIP BOTAR!" or "RIP CARAPAR" signatures...


Then, let's take a look at several years ago, before I was introduced to BS01, BZPower, or even Brickshelf. I'm waiting for my upcoming LEGO Mania Magazine, thinking to myself, Well, it's too bad BIONICLE ended last year. The comics and sets were cool. At last, the day comes where I check the mailbox and find the now-somewhat-familiar polybag, inside of which is a LEGO Mania Magazine. I bring it inside the house, open it, and find to my surprise that, along with the Mania magazine, a BIONICLE comics with Tahu confronting something on the front cover falls out. Intruiged, I pick up the comic and open it. What I find inside is amazing - despite my belief that BIONICLE had come to an end the year before, BIONICLE was continuing this year! And with these awesome new villains - buglike critters called the Bohrok and their accomplices the Bohrok Va, and the mask-like Krana they carried with them... it was just so exciting to sit there, finding out all this surprising new information when LEGO wanted me to!


Nowadays, I try to avoid looking at anything that will spoil anything for me, but it's just not the same, because as I mentioned in paragraph #2, I can't help it if my eyes skim Brickshelf and come across a leaked image! Just like that, the surprise is gone!


So, if we're going to destroy the Internet... count me in!

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