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Here We Go Again...

Takuma Nuva


You've undoubtedly noticed a little inactivity from me over the pass few days. Especially since there's a distinct lack of caption contest goodness.


Well, that's because something came up. Guess what? I'm typing this from a different computer . . . again. And once again I'm trying to transfer all of my files over. I just today managed to install Photoshop 2.0 for my comics. It's been taking a few days to do it all. I mean, after all, a lot of you already know what happened LAST time I had this problem. :annoyed2: You know, the motherboard frying? That was terrible.


Anyways, what makes it different this time is the fact that it wasn't the motherboard frying on the computer making me go through this again.


As a matter of fact, nothing fried on the other computer.


To tell the truth, the other computer is perfectly fine.


But enough of my yammering. This is what the new computer looks like.


It's mine.


Too bad it's nothing special.


Too bad I had to pay for it.


I wish it at least looked cool...




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That is one sweet-looking comp.


I'm serious.


Of course, I'm a recovering worshipper of the color red, but whateva.

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Welcome to the torture that is Vista, Takuma. :)

Dude, you're totally missing the point! I've been using Vista for quite some time now! You probably just don't understand it because you weren't around for the "fried motherboard" incident. :P


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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At least you HAVE a computer of your own. The only computer in our house my mom uses eight hours a day, and I have no job to pay for my own. [/rant]





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At least you HAVE a computer of your own. The only computer in our house my mom uses eight hours a day, and I have no job to pay for my own. [/rant]





Well, yeah, NOW I have a computer of my own. :P I hated trying to get everything done on the other computer when everybody kept wanting to use it. Seriously though, the job I have right now at Culver's isn't doing much good for buying this one anyways. My manager won't give me any decent amount of hours... :glare:


Well congrats Takuma!

What you doing with the other one?

(if nothing, any chace of sending/selling me it?)



takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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Lucky you. I still have to deal with my dang brother. Dude, his LIFE is on this computer! He's an admin in two sites, he makes videos, and he plays a stupid game all day long! That's why I'm going to get a laptop too. The only problem is I will have to save up for 2 years...
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I've had my own computer since I was around six. But it doesn't have the Internet.


And just recently, my stepdad's laptop computer's hard drive went out. And he uses that computer for work.

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Welcome to the torture that is Vista, Takuma. :)

Dude, you're totally missing the point! I've been using Vista for quite some time now! You probably just don't understand it because you weren't around for the "fried motherboard" incident. :P


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:


Oops. :lookaround:


My bad. :(


And yes, I know from experience.

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