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I am leaving my college town (Stillwater, OK) for my hometown (Tulsa, OK) in the next hour.


There, I will do laundry, eat dinner, and get myself some (very little) sleep.


Then, at 7AM (CST) I will be heading to TIA (Tulsa International Airport) to check-in and wait for my 8:30AM (CST) flight to Dulles International Airport, in Washington DC.


I am scheduled to arrive in DC at 2:30PM (EST).


All of this to say...




I will be in DC in less than 24 hours!


(I have never flown before. Let alone by myself. This shall be fun...?)


(I hope I am sitting next to a pleasant lady whom I may share my fear with, and ask to hold her hand while we take-off. ;) )


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Good luck!

Oh, and Xaeraz is right. Flying is an awesome experience, and you should absolutely certainly get a window seat.

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Dude srsly there's this awesome cushiony feeling when you take off.


Tell the pilot to fly over a thunder storm. :D

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Flying is fun, but after the first 5 minutes, it ends up being very boring. :P


I have had my share of interesting flights and hopes of seeing a celeb or a hot chick (though no need for that now).


You should be fine. :D



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Flying isn't that bad, but then again the first time I went on an airplane was when I was three.


But, if you have a really long flight, the trip gets boring, really fast...

(Believe me, I've taken six 25 hour flights, split up by an one and a half hours break in an airport...)



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