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This One

ToM Dracone


The question of 'what Grievous?' was asked several times in recent and also not-so-recent entries.


This is the answer.




I must say, it's an odd feeling knowing one's MOC was played with and posed by others before I got to...

~ ToM


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Except for the black part between the lightsabers.


It's called backlighting, which means everything not transparent appears dark. Wait until seeing it properly, won't you?


I know what backlighting is. And no need to be snappy. It doesn't matter what colour it is. It's still a piece in a lightsaber blade. It isn't on the original light saber. I thought that was obvious.


EDIT: Now that I see it fully (Thanks, magpi). The lightsabers don't look so bad. but jeez man, why'd you put them there in the first place? I'm guessing it's so that they won't break off.



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That is just incredible. I especially like the head. Like others have said, the only problem is the black connectors between the bits of the lightsabers. (Wait, they're actually coloured? Meh, they still look a bit out-of-place) Therefore, I say that they should've given Grievous red lightsabers.

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I need clear pictures before I can evaluate, but it looks awesome.




I awgree :P


It's awesome though ToM! You must post it!



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you can has awesome?


no you can't.


you has it already.

In Soviet Russia, awesome can has you.


[sorry, I couldn't resist :P]


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Reason #4683 why Lego needs to hire you as a set designer/random visionary.

Quoted for truthiness.


Seconded. :)


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Reason #4683 why Lego needs to hire you as a set designer/random visionary.

Quoted for truthiness.


Seconded. :)


I think we can all agree that Lego has to hire ToM. Oh, and by the way, this is like, Reason #5029485038385 why lego needs to hire ToM :P .


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I don't mean to sound pushy, but pleasepostthissoonbecausethisisreallyreallyawesome!!!!


Oh, and how does it hold the weapons? With just the fingers? Or is there a secret genius design like the one on Atrokan?

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