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So Much To Do, So Little Time...

Takuma Nuva


So, I stopped by Target on my way home yesterday so that my shiny new gaming laptop wouldn't be without games. I knew exactly what I wanted and I made a bee-line right to the computer software section. I brought home "The Best of Star Wars for PC" (Empire at War, Knights of the Old Republic, Battlefront, Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, & Republic Commando) as well as "SPORE Galactic Edition".


*strokes shiny new credit card* My preccciousssss.... :smeag:


Now we just have to see how totally awesome each game is before I comment on them.


We also have to see where in here I'm going to fit comic making, comedy writing, and movie making for all my annoying adoring fans.


By the way, if any of you understand the significance of that emoticon, you get one hundred Rockoh On points minus how many times he bobs his head before you figure it out.




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Yeah, 89 Rockoh points for me!

But glad to hear that you got games for your laptop

Star Wars wouldn't have been my first choice, but then again, im betting you like the series A LOT more than me

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You know, something tells me you like Star Wars. You know, you're like my cousin. He is absolutely OBSESSED with Star Wars, and he's very cool.


So stuff like this is why you aren't too active with your work. I know how you feel, big buddy. I'm a little obsessive with an old game right now, but actually I don't know what I should do next. I can't think of what to do with the comics I'm working on right now...

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Yeah, I definitely love Star Wars, but I'm not a total fanatic. But when you can get five games for $40 (that's only $8 a game!) it's hard to turn down a good deal.


Other than those I own all six movies on DVD, Battlefront II & Lego Star Wars I/II for XBox, and that's about it.


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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(Empire at War, Knights of the Old Republic, Battlefront, Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, & Republic Commando)


Never played EaW or Jedi Outcast, but the rest are awesome. Especially RC. That's what I'm modelling my new movie on. <3



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Unless it has something to do with this, I have no idea.


As for Star Wars stuff that I have, I have all six movies (at least, my parents own them :P), and I have Lego Star Wars I and II for PC. And the Complete Saga for DS, although that's terrible compared to the versions on other platforms....


EDIT: Also, I'd get 100 points, because I figured out that if I go to a different page before I try to figure it out, he's not bobbing his head, so technically I don't lose points.

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Well, on this computer I use, I'd get 100 Rockoe On points when I figure it out, because he doesn't seem to move on this computer...


Anyway, I like Star Wars, but not as much as you do, which is not nearly as much as those kids in that summer camp I went to three years ago where they called purple swimming noodles lightsabers and hit everyone with them. (*gasps for breath*)


SPORE Galactic Edition, eh? I need to get me a copy of a SPORE game...

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