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There And Back Again, A Dragons Tale By Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend


As some of you might have noticed in my sig, I was abscent for the last weak. The reason for that abscense was the anual graduation major courses school trip (Yes. 6 words for something we have one word for in German.) to some other country.

The destination: Krk on the Island Krk, Croatia.

The journey: 13hours+ in some bus. Which aparrently was concipated exactly in such a way that I was unable to get a decent sleeping position during the night ride. We left last saturday around 10pm and drove over austria through Slowenia only to arrive in Croatia early that afternoon.

The hotel was close to the water and it was nice to hang out there in the evening, but the hotelrooms itself were pretty mediocre, or at least not what I'd expect from a hotel in one of the countries biggest holiday regions.

Anyway, the food was allright, I didn't dare taste the dessert though...it looked creepy, unfortunately they didn't have free drinks included for dinner so we actually had to buy the water.

During the 3 days where we actually stayed on the Island we visited some major locations there, like the city Rijeka and the city Krk it self (it's kind-of pronounced like Cpt. Kirk), I did some minor sketches in my dragon-journeys sketchbook.

On the second day we visited some small village on the mainland, where could test some whine (i didn't like it), some fig booze (holy mother of muffins that stuff burns in the throat.) I am glad I don't like drinking anyway, like I said just testing those things. We also saw what our guide claimed to be the worlds most narrow alley, which was pretty cool to walk through.

On the day after that we saw some other cities, led by a different guide, but I hardly paid attention, since it was boring beeing told about minor details all the time. (Yes, I am not a person interested in the history of every small building in some holiday town.)

The evenings pretty much were the same. Dinner, hanging out with the other classmates and some pool (which I am relatively good at ^^) and then some talking on the rooms or down at the beach, which wasn't really a beach, more like a promenade along the water from which one could directly jump in.

In addition we did a trip with a glass-bottom boat on thursday.

And On friday morning we packed our stuff and drove back to slovenia where we visited the largest cave I have ever been in so far (I must upload the video some time, with indiana jones music behind it, it's pretty cool.)

So, there you know where I was. No internet access there so no word from me.

This week, except for a classtest on tuesday will be about project days where I will be doing portraits of people ^^ I am not sure how this is scheduled yet though exactly, so...need to ask someone for this one as well.


Important info:

This is the last week before the holidays now though, so any questions for me should be asked within the next 7 to 9 days, before I leave for the beautiful little Island shown two entries below.







Recommended Comments

It's good to know you are ok and had a good time.

you must really be looking forword to your trip :)

the sun, the serf, the sharks, the hot chicks :P




Thanks alot! Yes, it was a good time.


Yes to one, two and three, no to the chix... ^^

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Aww come on I'm sure you will find some damsel in distress and save her with your amazing Lifeguard skills!





I'm a lifeguard, but not a reascue diver...besides my training has been so long ago...over a year i think. way over a year.

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you still remember it though.




Of course. ^^ Stabil side position etc. small things like that.


it's all you will need to be someone's white knight on that holiday. I just know it will happen :)

I see it.



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you still remember it though.




Of course. ^^ Stabil side position etc. small things like that.


it's all you will need to be someone's white knight on that holiday. I just know it will happen :)

I see it.




I'll be underwater for most of the time...

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I have honestly never heard of Krk. Croatia yes, Krk no.


So you get this graduation trip and then you get to go on holiday to that other island? That's a nice set up you've got there :D

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I have honestly never heard of Krk. Croatia yes, Krk no.


So you get this graduation trip and then you get to go on holiday to that other island? That's a nice set up you've got there :D


his parents both have vary good jobs ^^



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I have honestly never heard of Krk. Croatia yes, Krk no.


So you get this graduation trip and then you get to go on holiday to that other island? That's a nice set up you've got there :D


his parents both have vary good jobs ^^




Above average jobs, yes. :)

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I have honestly never heard of Krk. Croatia yes, Krk no.


So you get this graduation trip and then you get to go on holiday to that other island? That's a nice set up you've got there :D


It is convenient, unfortunately though, It burdens me with a weeks worth of maths and the studies for my biology major on thursday...-.-

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