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He's Da Man!

Lady Kopaka


If it's anyone, I'm awarding it to Toa Lhikan Hordika. <3




Gotta love using a phone for a camera... anyway, he was SUPPOSED to just be sending me Zaktan, in exchange for some art of mine that still needs to be finished. Obviously, I got more than I bargained for. x3


Now if school/chores/job would get out of the way for a mere 5 minutes I'd try to have time to build Kopaka! Don’t worry dear, I’ll get you out of that box soon!


TLH, you are the coolest guy on the planet right now. Thank you so much, I feel so spoiled! I really didn't feel like I deserved all this stuff at all... I'll be sure to finish your drawing soon!



Ooh, wait. Not the whoppers. He didn't send those. Those are mine. They just wanted to be in the picture. :P


EDIT: About the Zakky heads:


To those who are wondering about the Zaktan heads: 1 of them goes to the set, because it was partially assembled and the spine wouldn't fit inside without being warped. The 2nd head is actually a MOC that took me like 5 minutes to throw together of Zaktan in his water-snake form. Bug LK to take a better picture of it.


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So it didn't come with the Whoppers? What a rip off!




That is awesome in just about any form of the word. ^^ Although, what are you planning on doing with two random Zaktan heads floating around?

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You're very welcome Lady K, it was my pleasure to spoil you :) . Enjoy it all!


To those who are wondering about the Zaktan heads: 1 of them goes to the set, because it was partially assembled and the spine wouldn't fit inside without being warped. The 2nd head is actually a MOC that took me like 5 minutes to throw together of Zaktan in his water-snake form. Bug LK to take a better picture of it.


- :t::l::h:

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whoa! :D That is so nice :)

btw, I'm sorry the article didn't get published, apparently the guy who put together the magazine lost it in some remote folder XD

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