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The (un) Official Bzpower Sporecast

Takuma Nuva


"...if there's one thing we could all use more of, it's time to just ... play."


"...a technological triumph..."


"...video game history in the making"


"one of the most ambitious video games ever conceived."


"This isn't the game of evolution, it's the evolution of games."


"[censored], the scale of this thing!"





Anyways, game critic reviews aside, I'd like to mention that I've started that BZPower Sporecast I said I was going to do. I'll go through the creatures made by any members of BZPower who make themselves known to me and pick out all the good creations to add to the Sporecast. Then, anyone who wishes to can subscribe to the Sporecast and get the best creations for BZPower members by BZPower members! All you have to do is post a comment in this blog entry with your Spore account name and I'll start adding your stuff to the Sporecast. Also, those who only have the Creature Creator can also post here to have their stuff added, even if they might not be able to view the actual Sporecast. I can't remember. Anyways, just go to "Share" and click on "Find Sporecast". Then just search for "BZPower" and voilà, you should find my Sporecast. Or you can just search for my member name which can be found below.


Also, below I'll include a list of any BZPower members with their matching Spore account names as an easy reference for everybody.


Notice: As of 10/06/08 I seem to be having trouble adding creations by Xaeraz. However, when I was trying to add his stuff this morning I was experiencing some internet server difficulties so that might explain why. I'll have to look into that. Thanks to a helpful tutorial video and the online Sporepedia, I now no longer have any trouble with adding creations to the SporeCast! :happydance:


10/20/08: Having difficulty adding Captain Kothra Streamdriver's creations. His account name isn't yielding any search results in-game or online.


11/08/08: Checked Kothra's stuff again and this time I actually found TWO things. Hopefully more will start showing up. Until then, I've added both creations I could find to the Sporecast.



Spore Players List

BZP: Takuma Nuva | Spore: takumalight

BZP: Xaeraz: The Final Toa | Spore: Xaeraz

BZP: Avohkah Tamer | Spore: TurahkTamer

BZP: The Orb | Spore: The_Orb

BZP: Ynot: Makuta Anima of Iron | Spore: MakutaYnot

BZP: Toa Tanma | Spore: ToaTanma

BZP: ~Reoki~ | Spore: mazemasta23

BZP: Codrex_Builder | Spore: deep42

BZP: Captain Kothra Streamdriver | Spore: Kothra

BZP: Repicheep | Spore: Repicheep

BZP: That Vezon Nuva Guy | Spore: BioBuilderJ

BZP: Scythrax-Toa of cheese | Spore: 3125838

BZP: Ferhago the Zealot | Spore: zealot122

BZP: Freezo | Spore: FreezDude

BZP: Skorp | Spore: 96Bionicle

BZP: ~Laughin'Man~ | Spore: LaughinManBZP




Recommended Comments

0.o Odd that I'm the only one you're having trouble with so far...


*checks out*

Well, you're the only other one besides AT. :P But anyways, there's only ONE creation of yours I've been able to add for some reason. I'll have to try again later tonight.


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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0.o Odd that I'm the only one you're having trouble with so far...

*checks out*

Well, you're the only other one besides AT. :P But anyways, there's only ONE creation of yours I've been able to add for some reason. I'll have to try again later tonight.

takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

I just went on Spore.com, and none of my stuff worked beside the Sandcreeper. Which Sucks.

Like Vultraz.

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0.o Odd that I'm the only one you're having trouble with so far...


*checks out*

Well, you're the only other one besides AT. :P But anyways, there's only ONE creation of yours I've been able to add for some reason. I'll have to try again later tonight.


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

I just went on Spore.com, and none of my stuff worked beside the Sandcreeper. Which Sucks.


Like Vultraz.

The website too? Wow. Well, if nothing else I'm pretty sure I know a way to make it work. Unfortunately, it'd show up under my name. You can probably guess how I'd pull that...


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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0.o Odd that I'm the only one you're having trouble with so far...

*checks out*

Well, you're the only other one besides AT. :P But anyways, there's only ONE creation of yours I've been able to add for some reason. I'll have to try again later tonight.

takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

I just went on Spore.com, and none of my stuff worked beside the Sandcreeper. Which Sucks.

Like Vultraz.

The website too? Wow. Well, if nothing else I'm pretty sure I know a way to make it work. Unfortunately, it'd show up under my name. You can probably guess how I'd pull that...

takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

Rebuild it from the picture or upload it into the game?

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0.o Odd that I'm the only one you're having trouble with so far...


*checks out*

Well, you're the only other one besides AT. :P But anyways, there's only ONE creation of yours I've been able to add for some reason. I'll have to try again later tonight.


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

I just went on Spore.com, and none of my stuff worked beside the Sandcreeper. Which Sucks.


Like Vultraz.

The website too? Wow. Well, if nothing else I'm pretty sure I know a way to make it work. Unfortunately, it'd show up under my name. You can probably guess how I'd pull that...


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

Rebuild it from the picture or upload it into the game?

Actually, since you can go and edit other people's creations and save your version, I could "edit" yours without changing anything if we can't get it to work otherwise. Then it would have my "version" of the same thing under my name and I could add that.


Though, I'd much rather figure out how to do it the right way.


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:


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My username is The_Orb. I share the account with my sister, so I split our stuff into two sporecasts. Just take anything from the "Stuff by me" sporecast.
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BZP Name: Ynot

Spore name: MakutaYnot

I am only in the Creature stage of my first planet, but then again i got it, like, an hour ago...

Named My Planet 'Mata-Nui'

Obviously i couldn't think of anyhting non-Bionicle

Referanced again in the naming of my Creature; 'Hahli'

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Ok, sure. Even though I only have 1 major race, the Kalmah =P. They're pretty cool, tho. Anyways:

BZP: Ferhago the Zealot

SPORE: zealot122 (May be capitalized, don't remember)

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A BZP Sporecast? Awesome! Can I join in? I got SPORE, and My Spore name is FreezDude since someone took my normal username.Right now I have 95 creations and counting!

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I only have CC, does that count?



It most certainly does! I'll add your stuff to the Sporecast and your creations will show up in other BZP players games! All I need is the name of your Spore account.


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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May I join?


I'm 96Bionicle.


I love the game, but I'm stuck on one part.


Any help for the Tribal? It's really boring, and I've been stuck forever because my creatures won't get food!






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