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This Guy Has No Life

Spoony Bard



Gamer juggles over 30 Warcraft characters

Meet the mad king of Azeroth.


By Ben Silverman


Think you play too much World of Warcraft?


Compared to "Prepared," you don't.


In a case of game addiction gone officially bananas, gaming blog Joystiq reports on what is surely the biggest Warcraft fan of them all. Known only under the moniker "Prepared," the gamer plays a stunning 36 World of Warcraft accounts on 11 different computers...simultaneously.


Stemming from a desire to manage raids -- large-scale gameplay sessions that typically require the teamwork of multiple players -- all by himself, the die-hard gamer seems undaunted by both the financial and lifestyle commitments to such a geeky endeavor.


"It costs me exactly $5711 in subscription costs per year with 36 accounts on the 6 month pay schedule," he writes. "Not bad considering I'm looking at it like it's a hobby and there are more expensive hobbies out there than World of Warcraft."


Like yachting, perhaps. And despite the downturn in the economy, Prepared can't wait to get his hands on the upcoming Warcraft expansion, Wrath of the Lich King.


"I plan to be at the store when it opens and will purchase 36 copies of it. With tax, it should be about $1500 for all of them."


Word of Prepared's over-the-top addiction comes on the heels of the annual Blizzcon Convention, a fan-oriented celebration of the games created by Warcraft publisher Blizzard.






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Wow, and i thought having three MLNs was bad!


I would GLADLY do it!

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Guest The Captain


This guy really needs to meet a girl. Preferably one that isn't behind a counter or delivering pizza.
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Can't be much worst than buying five copies of a Death Star Lego model (well, I guess it can be)


He's nuttso.



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Wow, and i thought having three MLNs was bad!


I would GLADLY do it!

I don't think he has one. :P



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This guy needs to start playing single player games if he wants a bazillion characters and to not have to interact with people. It's cheaper, and I can think of many games better than World of Warcraft.

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This guy really needs to meet a girl. Preferably one that isn't behind a counter or delivering pizza.

What woman would want him? No woman deserves that.

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Prepared can't wait to get his hands on the upcoming Warcraft expansion, Wrath of the Lich King.

...even though you can download it, much like it did *automatically* with me...<_<


This is because I mentioned WoW in the last entry, isn't it? :P


But yeah, I thought my bro was bad about playing it.....he's got 2 70s and a 60 (plus a bunch of 5s-10s, which are just item and profession holders). But this, this is just....dang.


But yeah, that's what I don't get - you can download WoW, BC, Frozen Throne (I think), and Lich King. So why is he buying them?!? Actually....considering that WoW itself takes a full 24 hours to download, and......nah, this guy just sucks. :P

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Can't be much worst than buying five copies of a Death Star Lego model (well, I guess it can be)


He's nuttso.



Yeah, but with Lego, you actually interact with people.


Did you really see someone buy that many at once? Wow.


Hey, doesn't GregF play WoW? Omi should show him the blog entry.


But this article, whoa. And I though I needed a life.



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And this is coming from the guy who cosplays as Final Fantasy characters?

Yes but I am out of the house when doing so. And I don't do it every day of my life, nor pour thousands of dollars into it.





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i thought my photoshop and music listening habbits were bad.


and omi, we all know if you had thousands of dollars to spend on an actual Cloud costume, you would.

I myself would purchase a Big Daddy suit with built in oxygen tank and air conditioning...

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and omi, we all know if you had thousands of dollars to spend on an actual Cloud costume, you would.

Ummmm where have you been?



Awesome pic.



He doesn't spend it on an actual Cloud costume; true cosplayers like him spend it on making an actual Cloud costume.




I'm sorry.. i dont get many Omi updates all the way over here in busy with german homework land.

awesome costume too, and i meant spending thousands of dollars on the material for it.. not a pre-fabricated costume.

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