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Political Poll

Jedi Gali


So this year, Election 2008, I've been following both candidates and am aware of all that's going on. I've watched or listened to parts of the debates and have strong convictions on the various issues. Now I won't go in depth on any of that since it's not allowed and I don't care to start a flame war.


By the way, I support John McCain. (I won't say any more than that. :D)


But I'm curious. How many teenagers are out there that are interested in and follow politics like me?


If you want, you can say who you support, but not why. And no bashing the other candidate. Follow all Bzp rules, and blog rules too, for that matter.


:kaukau: -JG


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Oh, I definitely follow politics. On the way to school every morning [it's like a forty minutes away] I listen to Laura Ingraham [at least I think that's how you spell her name]. She's for McCain too.


I also watch the debates on TV.


But, yes, I'm for McCain/Palin.




Edit @ Wrinkledlion ~ I've seen at least ten or so.

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I'm not American, but the America is VERY important to world stability. It makes me sad because Obama is so good for the world, IMO.


I also wonder why it's so right-leaning.

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But I'm curious. How many teenagers are out there that are interested in and follow politics like me?


I never really was before, but I am interested and do follow it now.


I supported Mike Huckabee, but as he is no longer in the running, I support John McCain.

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I'm simply curious as to why BZP is such a right-leaning forum.

It's all about the oil.

Republican fans support an oil-based LEGO plastic, whereas democratic fans support wind-based plastic.

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You know, it's times like this I really wish we had a debate room or something. As an earnest (But open-minded) Liberal, I'd find it very intriguing to hear your opinions, seeing as BZP isn't exactly part of the same demographic as most other forums I debate in...

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You know, it's times like this I really wish we had a debate room or something.


Yeah, same here. I enjoy having a good discussion every now and then. But, I can understand why the admins don't want something so potentially messy on their site. Some people might be civil but others could become... overly animated.


:kaukau: -JG

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It's all about the oil.

Republican fans support an oil-based LEGO plastic, whereas democratic fans support wind-based plastic.


That is the funniest thing I've heard all day. :P

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I don't follow politics any deeper than who's running for President, to be honest.


That will probably change once I'm able to vote, but for now...meh.


But my mom and many people around me do pay attention, particularly this year, so from what I've heard, I support Barack O'bama.

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You know, it's times like this I really wish we had a debate room or something.



I mean, why can't B6 set a time that he'll open the topic, he'll stay there the whole time, and when he gets off, he closes it. Then, when he gets back on, he opens it, etc. He'll be right there . . .


I've already had several discussions with my friends. It's really easy to have a civil discussion, as long as the other person isn't offending.


I just wish B6 would try it.


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I'm a bit of a politics nerd, though honestly, I'm more interested in international politics than American ones, due to the fact that more awesome things happen and that people don't freak out about it as much. Except when they're having wars over it, which, of course, sucks more than it does in America, and we should all have some perspective here.


I deeply dislike both candidates. I am not going to endorse either with my vote. Let's just say that I supported Ron Paul and Mike Gravel, so, um, that sort of explains my problem. I might vote for Bob Barr, but I don't like him all that much either.

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Now that I'm of voting age and registered, I've begun paying a decent amount of attention to politics. I'm not always that interested, but it's rather important stuff so somehow I swallow enough down to have an informed opinion. =P


I'm going for McCain - even though I don't like his stance on some topics - and that's all I should probably say. ;)


And this is a lovely, civil discussion topic, as it is. :D

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It's really easy to have a civil discussion, as long as the other person isn't offending.

As easy as that sounds, it never works on BZP. You guys can't even hold a civil discussion when it comes to plastic toys.



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I'm not American, but the America is VERY important to world stability. It makes me sad because Obama is so good for the world, IMO.



I follow politics, been watching the debates closely and whatnot... I also support Obama.



It's really easy to have a civil discussion, as long as the other person isn't offending.

As easy as that sounds, it never works on BZP. You guys can't even hold a civil discussion when it comes to plastic toys.







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As easy as that sounds, it never works on BZP. You guys can't even hold a civil discussion when it comes to plastic toys.




Haha. Yeah, it could get very messy, seeing that there will always be some people that are less 'civilized'.



I follow politics, been watching the debates closely and whatnot... I also support Obama.[/color]



Really? For some reason I thought you'd be a McCain supporter....




:kaukau: -JG

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I follow politics quite deeply... It's my desire to run for mayor of Pittsburgh some day, and then maybe Governor.


And I also support McCain/Palin.

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I follow politics, been watching the debates closely and whatnot... I also support Obama.



Really? For some reason I thought you'd be a McCain supporter....




:kaukau: -JG

I used to be a strong republican, but past/current events changed that.

*shrugs too* :D





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I really don't pay much attention to Politics, since I am not really of voting age and I generally find it to be boring. I do however supported the candidate, Barack O'bama, for President for reasons, which I can't discuss here due to BZP rules.



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It's really easy to have a civil discussion, as long as the other person isn't offending.

As easy as that sounds, it never works on BZP. You guys can't even hold a civil discussion when it comes to plastic toys.




Well, that's certainly true. But I think that if B6 and maybe a couple other staffies would actually be there while the topic is open, it might be fine. Anyone that says anything insulting or whatever would loose proto and their post would be deleted right away . . .


But whatever, it's not my decision. It's probably better that we don't have it anyway.

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I'm hugely into politics.


Too bad I have to wait another 4 years to vote ;-;


And btw: McCain/Palin '08 ftw ;D


Joe Biden's cool too, lol.

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Man, that's all I do, politics, writing, BZP, and a little bit of smashbros here and there.


McCain is my guy though I supported Romney in the primaries. I like Obama, I just don't agree with him.


As to debates online. I'm sure that there a plenty of places somewhere where you can debat people. The problem is that the mods don't have that much time on their hands to spend monitoring a debate room. I think a better idea would be to have a special forums open only to memebers who pass a 'calmness' or 'not flaming' :P test by the mods.

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Well, that's certainly true. But I think that if B6 and maybe a couple other staffies would actually be there while the topic is open, it might be fine.

Andrew has other important things besides supervising a debate topic, and so do the rest of us.


If we have to supervise a topic from start to finish, and close it at the end of the day while we go to sleep and reopen when we are around, that just proves that we can't even let a topic like that stay open.



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