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Ohes Noes It Is The Blogzorz!



Well this is my blog. Dedicated to the awesomeness that is Smash Bros., Smash Bros. Melee, and Smash Bros. Brawl. It's named after a stage in said games, known as Final Destination. It's a completely flat stage that is deemed as the most fair. Unfortunately that is simply untrue (I'm talking to you Metaknight, Fox and Diddy Kong).


When I'm not playing Smash Bros. I'm on the comp doing homework or scribbling down random bits of random stories of no interest to the general populace of BZP. I've posted most of my stories and you can veiw them in my library! (Click it nao!)


I'll probably be posting entries here a lot as I don't know when my PMship will expire. In fact I don't even know how I got it at all :???: I just woke up this morning and found myself with a PMship and an extra proto. It was kinda strange but it might have something to do with me being a COT RPG Judge....


I hope to eventually customize this blog so that it doesn't look so bland. Until then, see ya!



Hey, if you're reading this and you gave me PMship. I just want to say thankzorz alotzorz. Itzorz meanszorz alotzorz tozorz mezorz.


I found out who it was! It was RoboDevil! Thanks!

The above quote block is my first ever entry, published on October 30th, 2008. Today is April 11th, 2010, a little more than a year and a half afterwards. At the time I first posted this, believed that I would stay with BZPower forever. Recently I have realized that this is not and cannot be the case.


From the moment I first glimpsed the homepage of this website, BZPower and I were bound together on my journey through life. I spent nearly every available waking hour intergrating myself into the wonderful community that we have here. I wrote stories, I posted discussions, I ran and played many RPGs. All the while BZPower was at the forefront. It was my life. It was here that I learned how to deal with complete strangers. It was here that I learned what it means to truly be part of a community.


But as Lazok so artfully put it, communities give back what they get. And if you don't give, niether do they. Those days where I gave my all to BZPower were some of the absolute best of my life. But over time, as things got darker and my path in life got narrower, I found myself able to give less and less. In return I recieved less and less. This website became more of an escape for me, a way to hide from my problems. It was no longer a community that I was actively involved in. So I moved on and so did BZPower.


There were spurts of activity now and then, but they always degenerated as the need for the escape slowly left. Once I had the need again, my activity resurged. But no matter how much I meant that I wanted to stay, deep inside, I always knew that I never could.


In truth I began seriously considering leaving this website back in October of 2009, when certain events in life led me to discover just how much I was using this website, and in turn the wonderful people I associated with, as a selfish crutch. I'm sorry people. I shouldn't have led you on like that.


Once I log off in just a few minutes after posting this, I will never log on again. I will not be on AIM. I will not answer emails. My RPG will be closed. It will be as if I never existed. But it will all be for the better. I need to be able to face my problems without hiding in these pixels. And face them I will.


I honestly don't know how many of you will read all of this but I'd like to say a few things to the members who made my stay here so enjoyable. Jedi Gali, you were my first friend here. Your words motivated me to be an active part of this community. Neya and Detranix, my Pikmin buddies. You guys are great. But remember that even though Olimar leaves the planet, he never forgets the people who saved him. The same, I will do for you.


Rockhound and Robo, you guys were my two best friends here. You are some of the most loyal people I have ever met, and I continue to hold you in high regard, even though you have already gone your separate ways. TPTI, Spink, and Necro, you always injected a voice of reason into some of the insanity. I thank you for that. EmperorWhenua, my liege. I think you'll be in need of a new ASPL. But I'll be there in spirit.


Alex Humva, Outbreak was the single best RPG experience I had on this site. You may be a little hard headed at times, but never ever think of yourself as a madman like Steven. You're much too good for that. Sisen, my co-miserator. We may have had a falling out recently, but I always remember you as one of the most understanding people I have met. Tafu, Kiotu, Toa of Dancing, and Rising Moon: thanks for trusting me.


Finally, I'd like to thank the Staff. These are some of the best people I have ever met, and this is the single greatest group of moderators I have seen. Your dedication continues to astound me, and I am honored to have worked with you.


And so I come to the end of the journey with you. I bid you farewell and good luck. Because although good friends come and go, good friendships last forever. And as pathetic as it may seem to say it, this website contains some of the best friendships I have ever had. Those will truly last forver.


Do something crazy, because what is life without a little insanity?



P.S- Watch out for Shade's head.


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I don't know what i could possibly say to this Exo...


After joining here, i remember one of the first members i was inspired to do something by was you. In my eyes, you've guided me on so many jouney's through so many worlds, that Omnipotence was within your grasp.


And yet, the real live always comes back and slaps you in the face.


You will be sorely missed, my friend.


May your dreams always play out in reality, and may you look back upon your time here with fond memories, and know that with your loss, a part of this community dies...


But everyone you've affected carries your memory with them.

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You left and never gave me a chance to say goodbye? Shameful. Absolutely shameful.


Lucky me, I have another way of contacting you, other than BZP, email, and AIM that I know you use. It'll be awhile before I can get to it, but I'll give you the good bye you deserve.


And you thought you could get away from me. :P

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You guys are awesome. :) I'm happy to say that I have decided to return to a small degree. Things have really straightened out and I now have the time to give to this community. I won't be entering any contests, but I will be activate and available. Once again, you guys are awesome.

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I actually had no clue about this the whole time, aside from few scattered posts mentioning something.


Well, "yay, you're back!" then. :P

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You guys are awesome. :) I'm happy to say that I have decided to return to a small degree. Things have really straightened out and I now have the time to give to this community. I will SAY I'm not going to enter any contests but I will anyway, and I will be active and available. Once again, you guys are awesome.




Welcome back Exo.


Neya Out. :smiletol:

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