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Week 12 Picture

Takuma Nuva


Yeah, so I'm late by fifty-five minutes, but that's because I was gone most of Sunday and by the time I finally had a chance to do this, well, it was too late. But that all depends on your time zone so technically it's still not too late to be Sunday.


So, the winner for the last round was . . . . nobody?


At first, I thought it would wind up as a tie between Xaeraz and Gravatic Ghost Rider, despite that I didn't think that either of them were that good. But when Gerlicky posted a caption, I knew he was the winner . . . or so I thought. When I went back to give the captions a final review, I noticed he had changed his quote to something I didn't even like. So now, I've got a winning quote that doesn't exist any longer and I can't just use the next-best quote becuase it's still not the winner. Ergo, no winning caption this week. So remember this, kids: I've never liked a quote that replaced an old one and if you enter more than one quote both will be ignored.


Well, I guess there's nothing left to do but move on to the next picture. And since today I finally saw The Two Towers (two movies down, one to go), I thought it fitting to do a Lord of the Rings picture with Bombay the Matoran thrown in for kicks.




Oh, and for the record, Tor, Batman was already in the pic surrounded by a glowing edge. I simply added a similar effect to Chirox so that he'd fit in better.




Recommended Comments

What no winner? NOOOOO!!!!!


Bombay/Matoran/I have no idea what he's called: That's it! You go write without help from me Tolkien!!

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