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Guess What? O_o



Well I was just on another chatsite

talking to this new kid. Well He was talking to be asking if I've fought some RPG game or something and M tells me to go ask his friend to fight. Well I come back and kindly tell M that his friend just logged off. Right then M rudely tells me "yeah I know Ba***** ." So I get off cuz I don't want to people who just cuss at me for no reason T_T. And then just as I'm leaving he tells my his friends

on and to fight him! So then I stayed off the comp two hours after that. I was afriad he'd call me other things but he didn't thankfully. I felt ticked abit but mostly I got depressed, cuz I felt like I had messed up -_- Cuz I didn't know any of these new people and thats what I got in return for doing nothing but being nice O_o .


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Well, you didn't do anything wrong, so you don't need to feel bad. You tried to be nice and they decided to be dorks. Who's at fault here? Not you. ;)


Don't worry about it. You tried to be nice, so you don't need to feel bad.

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Such people are quite annoying, aren't they?


I run into them everyonce in a while on EaW (StarWars: Empire at War).


I hate it. And to add to that, EaW has no word filter of any kind...





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Extract from "Morons: A complete guide to the denizens of the internet":

92% of all MMORPers, scientific name Doofus Degenerate and class Moron, are:


1. Illiterate. They are unable to form proper grammatical sentences, typing out "buy" instead of "buying" and various other undesirable grammar mistakes. Doofus Degenerates are also incapable of reading a paragraph/sentence typed out in perfect english.


2. Arrogant. They call one "a noob" when one does not fight them, and call one "a noob" when one kicks their scrawny behinds in a deathmatch.


3. Immature. They refuse to admit defeat in the wrong kind of way and are constantly thinking they're better.


4. Addicted. They have no life and are constantly stuck to their screen, eyes glued on their pixelly online avatar and drooling over "how ownage i looks".


The other 8% are, of course, normal, friendly people. Doofus Degenerates are extremely common ,however, and are a recognised pest throughout the interwebs. This guide recommends ignoring such beasties. Provoke at your own peril, though they are not overly dangerous, employing various methods of insults in an attempt to scare off potential challengers for their territory.

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Extract from "Morons: A complete guide to the denizens of the internet":

92% of all MMORPers, scientific name Doofus Degenerate and class Moron, are:


1. Illiterate. They are unable to form proper grammatical sentences, typing out "buy" instead of "buying" and various other undesirable grammar mistakes. Doofus Degenerates are also incapable of reading a paragraph/sentence typed out in perfect english.


2. Arrogant. They call one "a noob" when one does not fight them, and call one "a noob" when one kicks their scrawny behinds in a deathmatch.


3. Immature. They refuse to admit defeat in the wrong kind of way and are constantly thinking they're better.


4. Addicted. They have no life and are constantly stuck to their screen, eyes glued on their pixelly online avatar and drooling over "how ownage i looks".


The other 8% are, of course, normal, friendly people. Doofus Degenerates are extremely common ,however, and are a recognised pest throughout the interwebs. This guide recommends ignoring such beasties. Provoke at your own peril, though they are not overly dangerous, employing various methods of insults in an attempt to scare off potential challengers for their territory.

Sounds logical :D

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Oh my Gosh, what stupidity.

Chan'e, I am just sorry people on BZP would do that.

I will say it again in your blog, purely immature.


Did you report them?

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Oh my Gosh, what stupidity.

Chan'e, I am just sorry people on BZP would do that.

I will say it again in your blog, purely immature.


Did you report them?


Nah I couldn't. So I blocked him :P XD

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