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Omg Mata Nui And President




I thought I'd get both of these mandatory blogging subjects over with in one fell swoop.


Mata Nui's cool. Glad they didn't totally blow it. Actually, they didn't blow it at all. It was pretty epic. I feel satisfied knowing that the last eight years of story following and the perhaps hundreds of dollars of book buying were not in vain. This is a good Mata Nui.



I'm shocked at how fast people blogged this. In just a few hours there's already an entire page of my favorited blogs talking about the new president.



Well, he's not my president of choice, but it could have been worse. MUCH worse. Like, Hilary Clinton worse. :P

My thoughts mirror Varaka's, which you can view here.

Xero and Lyger... never mind. XD



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Oh, there are a whole lot of people who could be worst.


Like Vezon. I actually have real life opinions on the matter, but I will not discuss them or else I'll be banned or something. :-P


I think Mata-Nui himself is very epic, but I'm kind of disappointed with the whole "universe living in his belly" thing. :lol:



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Ooh, I should have started a Vezon for President campaign? Insanatarian?


I've watched the video at least thirty times at this point, and it still hasn't got old. It's, liek, awesome. I tried to get one of my friends to embed it, but it doesn't work, soo...no embed.


But I might do a screen recorder, I'm so happy. :D


And I'm quite fine with the president--I would have been happy either way, though McCain was my preferred. Obama seems like a great guy, and that might make him all the better as a president.


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MN is full of epicness.



Oh, and I should have won the Presidential race.

Even thought I would take over the world and be one evil cool dude and steal the moon and Africa and set fire to the..

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#1: Yes, that Mata Nui video is epic, though There should be more waves when the islands breaks. It feels so wierd to finally be seeing Mata Nui in the flesh (or should I say metalic protodermis) officially.


#2: Wahoo! Obama for president! I was with my class in D.C. at the Dan Rather show when the results were coming in. Both Obama's and McCain's speeches were really good. I felt bad for McCain; the audience kept booing when he congradulated Obama. Anywho, great race.

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