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Her Imperial Majesty

ToM Dracone


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Here's a guessing game for all of you guys. I've been doodling this figure for the past couple days in the edge of my history notebook, a human rendition of a certain Bionicle character, and I'm wondering if you can tell who she is. I started it while trying to get her face and hair right and doodling such all over everything, then it progressed to be a rough image of her battle armor (sans helmet).




Brief information that won't help you at all: she's black, she has bright green eyes, she's rather short, her hair is quite long but she keeps it in cornrows for battle... And if I told you the color of her armor it ... actually probably wouldn't help that much. Those who have read my stories may remember certain bits of description.


So guess away! I'm curious what people will say, and how long it will take someone to figure out who she is. No hints.

~ ToM


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Hey Majesty's a pretty nice girl but she doesn't have a lot to say

Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl but she changes from day to day

I wanna tell her that I love her a lot, but I've gotta get a belly full of wine

Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl; someday I'm gonna make her mine, oh yeah

Someday I'm gonna make her mine

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I would say Roodaka, but the "she is short" description blocks that... I would say Lariska, but she lacks a robotic arm... and by "she's black", what exactly do you mean? The character is an Earth one, or your human rendition is African? :P
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Second hint: exactly one person here has gotten it right.


I'll be posting another doodle of her in color some time, which will set things straight.


(no, she's not the Queen of France. Wouldn't mind that, though...)

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So it's either Tuyet or Helryx. I remember that Helryx was in Iron ghost, and that she was rather forceful and tough. It fits the picture. Tuyet, I don't think, was ever in ToM's stories.



Or it could be a Nui Rama.

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Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl,

but she doesn't have a lot to say

Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl

but she changes from day to day


I want to tell her that I love her a lot

But I gotta get a bellyful of wine

Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl

Someday I'm going to make her mine, oh yeh,

someday I'm going to make her mine.

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