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Hit Or Miss?



So remember that mysterious project I mentioned that I needed Flash to begin. Well, I've got Flash again and I have a preview ready for you:


LINK (Yes, I'm aware some of the words jump. I'm too lazy to fix those, so just live with it for now.)


Now before you go using the :huh: emoticon, allow me to explain. Throughout the ages, the rough concept of a BIONICLE-like version of BZP has been tossed about from time to time. Epics have been written, comics have been sprited... But I have a vision for more. If there's a general liking of this idea, what I envision is a large scale project to combine various media into a "canon" for BZ Nui. Writing, drawing, animating, RPGing, you name it. Also, anyone will be allowed to bring forth ideas, making it a real community project.


So what do you say? Is it a good idea or the worst thing you've ever heard of?


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I'd switch around the positions of certain forums a little....CoT needs to be huge, given the size of the forum in reality.

Well, I tried to fit it so that each forum division had its own island (luckily we had five divisions and five parts to the BIONICLE logo). Maybe it'll just be very densely populated.


Also, will the blogs be on there?

I was thinking maybe something underwater, à la Mahri Nui.

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It's a very entertaining idea. Though I'm undecided as to whether or not it's actually a "good idea".


Not sure I would personally use the Unity, Duty, Destiny symbol as the shape, though as you mentioned the five parts does make sense.


I also noticed that you have "Comics" right next to "Short Stories". But then I also see that there's "Artwork: III". I'm assuming the section labeled "Comics" is supposed to say "Comedies". Though, given recent discusion the topography of that region would probably very much resemble the Charred Forest. :P


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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I think you mean 'Comedies' rather than 'Comics'. :P

Intriguing...like the names for the island, except the one for LGD and COT. Hmm...can't think what else it could be...



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Though a tad rough, that is made of sheer win, SPI. :happy: One suggestion, though. Perhaps for the blogs, instead of being its own island, they could be, in a sense, "estates" that their owners build in the forum of their choice - for instance, I would construct mine in Artwork III. Sound good? :)
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Though a tad rough, that is made of sheer win, SPI. :happy: One suggestion, though. Perhaps for the blogs, instead of being its own island, they could be, in a sense, "estates" that their owners build in the forum of their choice - for instance, I would construct mine in Artwork III. Sound good? :)

Excellent idea. Though, unless you're a life-time premier, I'd think of them as "time-shares". Or maybe just "rented" estates. I'd probably build mine in comedies. Though I'd much rather be recognized as an epic writer (no pun intended :P), I'm most popular for my comedies.


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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Before I forget, one of the island names could do with a bit of work. "Elcinoib" sounds dodgy, but the others are good; in particular, "Affili" is such an epic pun.


Though a tad rough, that is made of sheer win, SPI. :happy: One suggestion, though. Perhaps for the blogs, instead of being its own island, they could be, in a sense, "estates" that their owners build in the forum of their choice - for instance, I would construct mine in Artwork III. Sound good? :)

Excellent idea. Though, unless you're a life-time premier, I'd think of them as "time-shares". Or maybe just "rented" estates. I'd probably build mine in comedies. Though I'd much rather be recognized as an epic writer (no pun intended :P), I'm most popular for my comedies.


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:


Hmm, good point. Well, note that blogs still exist even if not used, so it could be said that they're still there, yet the owners have been locked out. When/if they reobtain Premiership, the blog reopens.


Oh yes, and perhaps they could fly as well. In case their owner decides that they're sick of a certain forum. That, and flying blogs would probably be awesome. :shrugs:


What about people who mostly hang around in blogs? Would they be recluses? :P

No, they'd be hobos who break into deserted blogs for the night. :P

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Maybe there should be a residential area,

The blogs could go there along with eveyones control panels.

peoples control panels could be there home and the blogs could be like rented property.

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