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Strange But True 2

Takuma Nuva


Those of you who have been with me since the earliest of my blogging days may remember me posting an entry called "Strange But True 1" exactly five days after going premier. Obviously I had intended to keep doing these but the response to that first entry seemed too low to bother continuing. Well, I've decided to give another go at it for one reason. All these "Tidbits" that the facts are printed on are taking up too much space on my shelf. So I decided to kill to Kewa with one rock. I'm going to post these as entries again so that you may enjoy them while I at the same time archive them conveniently in my blog so I can recycle the papers and make more shelf space. So, let's get on with it, shall we?
  • You may not be surprised to learn that Arthur Davidson, co-founder of the Harley-Davidson motorcycle company, died in a motor vehicle accident. You may be surprised to learn, however, that the accident involved a car, not a bike.
  • Those who study such things claim that bats always turn left when exiting a cave.
  • You're more likely to have a heart attack on a particularly hot or a particularly cold day.
  • Piracy -- yes, piracy -- is on the rise. A recent study shows that between 2000 and 2006, maritime attacks by pirates increased drastically, to an average of more than 350 per year.
  • The modern dishwasher was invented way back in 1886. A woman named Josephine Cochrane came up with the idea because she was unhappy with the way her fine china was being chipped by the servants who were washing it.
  • In Sarasota, Florida, it is illegal to sing in a public place while wearing a swimsuit.
  • A bird known as the Arctic tern makes the world's longest migration, flying 21,750 miles and traveling nearly from pole to pole.
  • It's been reported that in the movie "The Silence of the Lambs" (I've never heard of it before...), Hannibal Lechter, the character played by Sir Anthony Hopkins, never blinks. :blink:
  • Bubble wrap (must have mooooore...) was invented in 1957 by Alfred Fielding and Marc Chavannes, engineers who were trying to invent a new kind of textured plastic wallpaper.
  • If you're like most Americans, you've probably played with a NERF ball at some point in your life. You might not realize, though, that NERF stands for Non-Expanding Recreational Foam.
  • Those who study such things claim that a single teaspoon of ordinary soil contains more living creatures than all the humans on the planet.
  • "How can a society that exists on instant potatoes, packaged cake mixes, frozen dinners, and instant cameras teach patience to its young?" -- Paul Sweeney


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Interesting, to say the least. By the way, The Silence of the Lambs is something of a crime/horror film from the 80's, and Hannibal Lechter is the main protagonist/antagonist, a cannibalistic psychopath. I've heard it's pretty good, actually.
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In Sarasota, Florida, it is illegal to sing in a public place while wearing a swimsuit.

Does that include the beach or pool?

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So, if things had turned out differently, we could have bubblewrap on our walls instead of in our packages? =O


I knew the NERF one, but just because you and AT race to quote what it stands for whenever someone mentions it. :P


But can they sing in their pajamas?




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Piracy -- yes, piracy -- is on the rise. A recent study shows that between 2000 and 2006, maritime attacks by pirates increased drastically, to an average of more than 350 per year.

And who said the pirates don't do anything?

The modern dishwasher was invented way back in 1886. A woman named Josephine Cochrane came up with the idea because she was unhappy with the way her fine china was being chipped by the servants who were washing it.

......and them became unhappy with the way her fine china was being chipped by the machines that were washing it.

In Sarasota, Florida, it is illegal to sing in a public place while wearing a swimsuit.

Can you sing in a wetsuit?

A bird known as the Arctic tern makes the world's longest migration, flying 21,750 miles and traveling nearly from pole to pole.

Is that North Pole to North Pole or the other way around?

It's been reported that in the movie "The Silence of the Lambs" (I've never heard of it before...), Hannibal Lechter, the character played by Sir Anthony Hopkins, never blinks.

He must be part fish.

Bubble wrap (must have mooooore...) was invented in 1957 by Alfred Fielding and Marc Chavannes, engineers who were trying to invent a new kind of textured plastic wallpaper.


If you're like most Americans, you've probably played with a NERF ball at some point in your life. You might not realize, though, that NERF stands for Non-Expanding Recreational Foam.

I'm not like most Americans. No NERF balls. Just NERF darts. :(

Those who study such things claim that a single teaspoon of ordinary soil contains more living creatures than all the humans on the planet.

I seriously need to get a degree in "such things" when I go to college....

"How can a society that exists on instant potatoes, packaged cake mixes, frozen dinners, and instant cameras teach patience to its young?" -- Paul Sweeney

It does not. Its young teaches itself patience by learning to make minds wander.




What was I doing again?

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The part about Hopkin's character not blinking isn't true. He blinked far less than your average person, but still did occasionally.


I also heard that Haley Joel Osment's character in 'Artificial Intelligence' never blinks, but it's been ages since I've seen the movie.

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