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T2 Or The Answer To "how Did Your Physical Go"

Vezok's Friend


So today I went to take my physical examination for the german army (aka, "Bundeswehr"). Rather, I was ordered there. Some people decide not to show up and the MP picks them up at home, so it's better to follow the "invitation". The people (except for the doctor) were all nice there.


Anyway. The examination turned out to classify me as "T2" which is the second best result one can get there. Means I am physically fit and intelligent enough so they want me as a soldier for the reserve army. I still have a choice to do civil service, I haven't decided yet though. Old peoples homes or youth hostels are not something i want to do...

Service would be 9 months (3 months for the grunts, then 6 months in either the airforce, navy or army).

I can voluntarily extend my service, but apparently that is connected to the duty to be in an abroad mission, which means if I stayed in the armed forces longer then 9 months I'd be so lucky to go to Afghanistan, Kosovo or some other nice warzone -.- Currently that's not really something I fancy.

I got some suggestions where they might put me into service if I join: Artillery, Parachute, MP, truckdriver, aircraft maintenance, some office or a plain grunt soldier.


Anyway, so this is the result of today...


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Yah, avoid the "war"zone at all costs.

It's a really dumb reason to stop breathing air.


So in Germany, being recruited by the government is a mandatory thing?


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My dad was in the Navy and my Uncle was an aircraft mechanic.

I'm ok with those two. Not as dangerous.


I really wish you didn't HAVE to serve :(

I don't want any of my friends to get hurt.





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My dad was in the Navy and my Uncle was an aircraft mechanic.

I'm ok with those two. Not as dangerous.


I really wish you didn't HAVE to serve :(

I don't want any of my friends to get hurt.




I won't get hurt. see it as a tough form of Survival camp ^^ Like I said, it only gets dangerous if I have to go abroad.

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If you're now classified as T2 does that mean a bunch of Toa are going to find you in the Codrex? :P


Don't go to a warzone VF, they have no internet access there!


I don't know what they'll find ^^

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Yah, avoid the "war"zone at all costs.

It's a really dumb reason to stop breathing air.


So in Germany, being recruited by the government is a mandatory thing?


Finland also mandates military service for young men. It's why I came back to my native land from the home I grew up in in Canada. Spent a year, came out as a second lieutenant. Very much a positive/negative experience. Wouldn't have missed it for the world, wouldn't want to go through it again. As for ending up in a combat situation. . . let's just say sacrificing myself for someone else's twisted political goals is not a choice I would see as heroic. Defending my home and loved ones, yes.


My advice to Vezok's friend is to take the "mandatory duty" as an adventure and a learning experience.


<o> <o>

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Does T2 mean Arnold Swarchnegger will try to kill you in various ludicrous ways?


T2 means I am 90% able to serve. Apparently my spine isn't a 100% straight and I have a skin-condition that in some areas makes it likely for me to get sunburns pretty quickly.


But my Sight and hearing are both 100% :)

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I should need glasses seeing I'm short/near (don't know what you guys call it)-sighted but it only affects letters on a great distance somehow.

If you can only see things close up, and far away things are blurry, you are short-sighted (like me. Except 'close up' to me is about a hand-span away from my face <_<). It's caused by your eyeballs being too big

If you can't see things close up and things far away are fine, then you are long-sighted. It's caused by your eyeballs being too small

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Wait, eyeballs and not pupils?

If you hadn't noticed Nihy, pupils can contract and expand of their own free will :rolleyes: Their size only denotes how bright the room is. To prove it, here's a quick test for you to carry out:

Put yourself in a dark room with a mirror, then turn the light on. Watch as your pupils magically shrink!


Your eyes work by taking in light through the pupil which then hits some spot at the back of your eye that activates rod and cone cells which show your brain what colours you're seeing. However to get through your pupil the light has to get past the lens of your eye. The light is refracted and so becomes a sort of hourglass shape ( like this: ><) with your pupil in the middle at the pinch. If your eyeballs are slightly irregular then that light doesn't hit the spot quite right, resulting in blur.


Ah GCSE biology. What a wonderful thing

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I'm Long-sighted/far-sighted. but people say I have large looking eyes... that's weird.




I didn't get that impression but maybe it is because you are more on the smaller side that the proportions seem a little different? (Just making a wild guess here.)



Wait, eyeballs and not pupils?

If you hadn't noticed Nihy, pupils can contract and expand of their own free will :rolleyes: Their size only denotes how bright the room is. To prove it, here's a quick test for you to carry out:

Put yourself in a dark room with a mirror, then turn the light on. Watch as your pupils magically shrink!


Your eyes work by taking in light through the pupil which then hits some spot at the back of your eye that activates rod and cone cells which show your brain what colours you're seeing. However to get through your pupil the light has to get past the lens of your eye. The light is refracted and so becomes a sort of hourglass shape ( like this: ><) with your pupil in the middle at the pinch. If your eyeballs are slightly irregular then that light doesn't hit the spot quite right, resulting in blur.


Ah GCSE biology. What a wonderful thing


Just a little heads-up from my mum (who IS a doctor) concerning what Tpti just said: Try to train your eyes at seeing from different distances, if you're on the PC for example. If you always are really close to the screen and don't vary the distance your pupils will slightly loose the ability to expand and contract when adapting to the distances, resulting in problems with short/far sightedness.

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Oh, it wouldn't metter what shaoe I'm in, I'd never be able to serve. Left eye, near perfect. Right eye, -250. That's probably legally blind.

The Xaerwolf
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