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Weekly Update - 11/21

Black Six



You wouldn't imagine how hard it is to come up with an intro that's not either: a) incredibly cliché, or B) something I've done before repeatedly. Here we go.



So, rank images. They're getting close. All the rank names and post counts have been decided and the former have been entered into the database. About two thirds of the images are complete and have been uploaded. Now the question is, do you want to wait until all the images are done before we roll them out, or get a few more and then roll them out as-is, with some ranks not having an image for now (though it would be added later)? Let me know what you think!


If we do decide to wait on the roll-out, we have another project that came together rather quickly that we introduce while we're waiting. Ranks weren't the only things that haven't been updated in a while.


So, those of you that visit COT often have surely noticed our new method for approving RPGs. As with any new system, there are some kinks, and after some discussions with Kex I think we're going to be shutting things down for a bit while we work things out. It's only temporary though, so no worries!


In other news this is not going to be the last promotion in the coming weeks. There's at least one more you'll be seeing soon, with possibly more after that.


Oh, and it seems a bunch of you guessed about the possible new forum feature. Time will tell if it comes to pass or not.



Once the new ranks are finished, will you or the staff be posting a list of the old ones?

The posts needed to achieve ranks have been and will continue to be a secret.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



Hooray that was fun. Now back to Stargate. See you all next week!


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In other news this is not going to be the last promotion in the coming weeks. There's at least one more you'll be seeing soon, with possibly more after that.
You mean you're making me Admin like I asked? :o
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We have rank images? Good sir, I assure you this is the first I've heard of these things. :P


More promotions? Is this the annual end-of-the-year restocking of the staff*? :D


*Stocking staffers, if you will. (I couldn't resist. Well, I'm sure I could, but I didn't.)


Silly Shine, there's no "ad" in "minion." :evilgrin:


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM

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In other news this is not going to be the last promotion in the coming weeks. There's at least one more you'll be seeing soon, with possibly more after that.
You mean you're making me Admin like I asked? :o

And I can have the BBC?


What a guy!




(Is it bad that I didn't notice Kame had been promoted until like, yesterday?)

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(Is it bad that I didn't notive Kame had been promoted until like, yesterday?)


It's probably also bad you didn't notice.


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM


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Well, personally I say roll 'em out now, and add to them when you can.


But then again, that's just me. It hardly affects me xD


Anyway, I hope the users enjoy it. It should be fun. -Swert

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Huzzah! Kinks being ironed out! I love smoothness. And I look forward to seeing the new ranks and rank images as well.

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Might I inquire as to what exactly those kinks in the approval system were? Or is it classified until such time that the Administration chooses to reveal it?


I'll probably find out soon anyway.

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More promotions, well, whoever gets them... I'll need a link to the congrats topic. Then I need to congratulate someone on their new minions I mean staff.


I'm really excited about the new rank images, has kept me interested for quite some time ^_^

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Wait until they're all done! That way you get them all out of the door at once, and you don't forget one scraggly image or something like that.

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I think we should roll them out already and add the missing later. That would also be more exciting as you wouldn´t know which image you could get soon. :P

Oh, and more staff promotions? Like, a new Forum Mentor for example? Or a Forum Mentor/Forum Assistant or something like that?


~Gata. ;)

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I'd like to see the completed ranks as soon as possible, with the incomplete ones being added later on.




I'd love to have COT. :evilgrin:

But if you had COT, all we COT goers would have to fear for our lives! :o

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Muahaha... And fear you shall... :evilgrin:



And I forgot to comment on this update. I'd like to see the post rank images, but not incomplete. And what could this COT RPG system be? It could effect me down the road if I wanted to make a new RPG after my current one dies. (Doh' course this could be hidden at the moment... Behind the scene works don't tend to say what they are."

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In other news this is not going to be the last promotion in the coming weeks. There's at least one more you'll be seeing soon, with possibly more after that.
You mean you're making me Admin like I asked? :o

More like he's making me an admin like smeag asked. :)

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