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I Am I Alittle Weird? -_0




There's a complicated senerio in my life that I'd like to get over with. My friends, I know I'm alittle nuts with my Fangirl-tomboyish personality (that I've always had, got it from my mom ^_^ but its alittle on the freaky side with me, ya know liking Aliens, Elites, and other freaks in Sc-Fi or other movies :P ), but anyway people and friends and those who aren't my friends. What are your thoughts on: How good of a friend I am, or If you all have had issues with me, or even if you think I'm alittle too weird even. I'd rather get this over with so I can be at peace with myself, I've had this for some good while. So go ahead, I don't mind comments or the critisisum.


And please, do be honest. ^_^


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I wouldn't go as far to call you weird, yet, maybe slightly different.

I've been different my whole life and I have never given a care.


Also, you have always been a good friend and I have never had any problems with you. :)

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Well, I really haven't known you for very long, but liking Sci-Fi and such is not weird for a girl. You just have a very vivid imagination. I used to think I was insane, but my mom told me that everybody's weird. If you're not different, you wouldn't be you. And that would be a problem. Hope you feel better about it all soon!

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You're asking this of a bunch of kids/AFOLs/teens on a bionicle website why? You should know we've got warped standards.

The Xaerwolf
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If you think you're weird....then I am too. :P

I've never had a problem being....very...odd. XD

Anyway, you're a great friend and you're cool the way you are. :D

I mean...I am your friend for a reason. :P


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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No, you're pretty average, really.


Start writing and drawing Yaoi, that should fix things.





Okay then. I'm going to walk away now.

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Well sorry to freak you kids out but I mainly need advice from friends and people I know. Sorry if any of you thought this was twisted, there was no intintion of that. I just felt uneasy about myself. But now I've got this cleared out, I feel better ^_^ Thank you all :)
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Well sorry to freak you kids out but I mainly need advice from friends and people I know. Sorry if any of you thought this was twisted, there was no intintion of that. I just felt uneasy about myself. But now I've got this cleared out, I feel better ^_^ Thank you all :)


No problmenessnessness!



-Jordboy1 :miru:

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